




说到天气(气候)用语,估计大家马上想到的就是rainy或sunny等这些初学者都会的词语,但实际上生活中有很多天气(气候)现象,是这些词汇无法准确描述的。今天,我们就跟着Liz Walter老师一起,来学习更多的趣味天气(气候)用语。


Let’s start with temperature.


1)Very hot weather can be described as scorchingsweltering or boiling(酷热):

He drew back from the scorching heat.   ( 他从灼人的热气中退了回来。)

Open the window; it's sweltering in here!   (打开窗户,这里热得要命!)

It's boiling hot today! I can hardly stand it.   (今天天气像蒸笼一样热!我简直受不了。)

2)If it is the kind of heat that makes you feel as if you can’t breathe, it is stifling or oppressive(热得让人喘不过气来).

We were stifling in that hot room with all the windows closed.   (我们在那间关著窗户的热屋子里,简直透不过气来。)

The heat is oppressive in equatorial areas.   (赤道地区热气逼人。)


1)At the other end of the scale, we can describe very cold weather as freezingbitter or even bone-chilling if we find it unpleasant(极冷的):

The freezing wind pierced us to the bone.   (凛冽的风使我们感到寒冷刺骨。)

It's really bitter out there today.   (今天外面真冷极了。)

Fans lined up for hours in the bone-chilling cold.   (粉丝们在酷寒中排了几个小时的队。)

2)Wintry weather is also cold, but this is not necessarily a negative description – it can be used for a pleasant snowy or icy day(寒冷的,多指冰雪天气):

The wintry weather has caused chaos on the roads.   (因风雪交加,道路上混乱不堪。)

We went out and up the street. It was cold and wintry .   (我们出门上了街。街上又寒冷又冷落。)

3、不冷不热(neither hot nor cold)

In between these two extremes, mild(温和的)is a positive adjective for weather that is not particularly hot but not too cold either:

It's been a mild winter this year.   (今年的冬天一直很暖和。)

It's fairly mild for this time of the year.   (每年这个时候气候相当温和。)



Some areas have weather that is changeable or unpredictable, meaning that it does not stay the same for long and you cannot guess what it will be like(多变的;无法预测的):

The small city has the climate that is changeable in the extreme.   (这座小城有变化多端的气候。)

The sky is always changing and unpredictable.   (天空始终是不断变化和不可预测的。)


Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more extreme weather conditions in the world, with terrible storms, hurricanes and tornadoes (very strong winds).

1)We describe bad storms as violentfierce or powerful(猛烈的):

These black clouds forebode a violent storm.   (这些乌云预示着狂风暴雨即将到来。)

The plane lost contact with the airport during the fierce storm.   (由于猛烈的暴风雨,飞机失去了与机场的联络。)

The powerful storm is threatening to devastate coastal towns and batter America's fourth largest city.   (强烈的风暴造成海岸城镇面临毁坏以及美国第四大城市遭遇袭击的威胁。)

2)When they cause a lot of damage, we can say they are devastating(破坏性的), and freak(反常的) storms are ones which are unusual and unexpected in an area.

It is the most devastating storm in 20 years.   (这是20年来破坏性最大的风暴。)

The crops were badly knocked about by that freak storm.   (庄稼受到了那次反常风暴的严重摧残。)

3)As well as adjectives, verbs can also be used to add impact and interest to your writing. For example, we may say that a storm tears through(撕裂) a place, or that it is raging(肆虐).

Hurricanes tear through the Gulf Coast without warning. (飓风毫无征兆地席卷了整个海湾沿岸地区。)

A storm raged through the village, uprooting trees and flattening crops.   (一场大风暴席卷村庄,将树连根拨起,将庄稼全部刮倒。)

4)刮风:Some nice words to describe wind include gusty (阵风的,when it starts and stops), biting (刺骨的,when it is very cold) and howling (怒号的,when it makes a loud noise).

I don't want to go out in this gusty day.   (这样的阵风天里我不想出门。)

Braving the biting wind, she went out to beg from door to door.   (她不顾寒风刺骨出去挨门乞讨。)

As they walked along, they heard the wind howling all around them, and their fright grew.   (他们走着走着,只觉风在四周嚎叫,恐惧在他们心中升起。)

5)下雨:Heavy rain is torrential(倾泻的), while very light, fine rain is misty(绵绵细雨) and persistent (连绵的) rain goes on for a long time. We talk about very heavy rain lashing down or lashing against the window(大雨倾盆):

Torrential rain washed out most of the weekend's events.   (这场雨很大,周末比赛项目多数无法进行了。)

I love most the misty rain season as well as the silver fluttering rain day.   (爱极这烟雨迷蒙的季节,爱极这银丝飘扬的日子。)

Persistent rain in Sichuan is compounding the misery for the homeless.    (四川近来的连续降水加深了无家可归者的痛苦。)

The rain is lashing down outside.   (外面正下著倾盆大雨。)

The rain lashed against the window.   (雨点敲打着窗户。)

6)出太阳:Glorious(灿烂的) sunshine is hot and pleasant, but sunshine that is too hot can be described as fierce or intense(强烈的). We talk about the hot sun blazing(炽烈的) or about sunshine streaming into(飘洒) a place. Hazy(朦胧的) sunshine makes it difficult to see the view clearly.

In the glorious sun, I had classic Shanghai dumplings that were tastier and juicier than the usual variety.   ( 在暖暖的阳光下,我吃到了比一般汤包都更有味道、汁水更多的上海汤包。)

The intense heat has dried up the pond.   (酷热使池水干枯。)

The blazing sun beats down in summer.   (夏日骄阳似火。)

The mellow November sun came streaming into the room.   (11月的柔和阳光泻进房来。)

They watched the hazy sun, sinking in the sea.   (他们凝视着朦胧的太阳,沉没在海中。)


