涨姿势,SLOW DAY竟有这么多意思

原来SLOW DAY有这么多意思
Slow-慢,day-天。这两个单词合起来的意思,大部分人其实只能用到其中的一层。其实slow day除了表示过得缓慢一天之外,还有其他的意思,今天我们就来细数下slow day使用的不同语境和意思上细微的差别吧。

1.A day in which not much happens, so it feels like it is taking very long to pass
2.A day in which less than expected has been done
3.Not much business has been done

1. The shop did not make a lot of money today, we had a slow day.

2. Very few people came into the restaurant today, the servers did not even have to set up the tables at the back, we had a slow day.

3. Today is Saturday, we are going to stay home and watch television, we are not going to leave the house at all, we are having a slow day.

4. I cannot believe that it is only 12 o’clock, it feels like we have been here for hours, it really has been a slow day.

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