

Get along slowly slowly slowly together slowly walk together like it is not casually can start and end things.


I hope you are happy no matter who and where.


I secretly imagined spending the rest of my life with you.


You don't have to change yourself don't have to cater to me don't so sensible.,


You will be attracted to all kinds of people, but in the end, you will only be lusting after the warm embrace of an ordinary person


No matter how many copies you read, it is actually very simple to do what you want to do with you without so many constraints. It should be very natural for two people to be together, and I will not feel troublesome or tired of it. Give me some more time.


Give gentleness to someone who can detect your little emotions


The essence of sincerity is just to see the complexity and still want to be simple


The faint red cheeks are the throbbing of the evening and the unspeakable secret love of the century

“我比你想象中的更喜欢你更想留在你身边更想陪你长大更想和你一起慢慢变老更想和你一直一直到最后”。'I like you more than you think, I want to stay with you, I want to grow up with you, I want to grow old with you, I want to stay with you until the end.'

我们的友谊不会结束如果有机会真的很想和你们从未成年玩到成年的友谊。Our friendship will not end if we have the chance to really want to play with you never adult friendship.

陪我一年又一年彼此心事的靠山是我选中没有血缘关系的亲人我永远的底气。Accompany me year after year each other worry backer is I choose no blood relationship of relatives I forever.

我们还要一起拍很多很多照片看很多场电影吃很多顿饭每周都见面还要码很久很久一直一直在一起。We would take lots and lots of pictures together, watch lots and lots of movies, have lots and lots of meals, see each other every week, and be together for a long, long time.

没办法我就是喜欢她很喜欢她超喜欢她就算她素颜长胖长痘只要我站在她那里她就是我最爱的女孩。I just like her. I like her so much. I like her so much.

“友谊和爱情一样哦一定要熬过平淡期和厌倦期不要丢下曾经许愿一辈子在一起的宝贝”。'Friendship and love are the same, oh must go through the dull period and boredom period do not leave once promised a lifetime together baby.'

希望我的朋友永远可以做最真实的自己永远没有委屈和迁就永远快乐永远好运你大胆去做错了算我的。I hope my friends can always do the most true to themselves will never be wronged and humored forever happy forever good luck you bold to do wrong count me.

“我们友谊的小船不会翻因为我们开的是宇宙飞船”。'The boat of our friendship will not capsize because we are flying a spaceship.'

约定一下在友谊这条路上谁先离开谁就是小笨蛋.Make a pact on the road of friendship who leaves first who is a little fool.

“有关想和你做的事与你的浪漫不止春夏秋还有这个冬天”。'About what I want to do with you and your romance is not only spring, summer and autumn but also this winter'.

