上海纽约大学美方校长杰弗里·雷蒙(Jeffrey Lehman)是一名乒乓球爱好者,他打乒乓的日子可以追溯到童年。在他位于美国马里兰州的家里,地下室有一张乒乓球台,父亲是他的启蒙老师。大学时期,雷蒙是乒乓球校队成员,打校际比赛。


Jeffrey S. Lehman, vice-chancellor of New York University Shanghai, the first higher education institute established between China and the US, started playing table tennis in the basement of his home in Maryland, United States, when he was a child.
On Saturday afternoon, he was among 13 US citizens living in Shanghai and provinces neighboring the city who joined Chinese amateur players for a friendly match marking the 50th anniversary of Ping-Pong Diplomacy between the two countries.
The event commemorated the landmark visit to China on April 10, 1971, by a 15-member US table tennis delegation.
On Saturday, a total of 26 players from the two nations were paired together for doubles games. Participants were divided into four teams for the event.
“太棒了!在这个球场上,这种友谊紧密连结的感觉太棒了!” 雷蒙校长在赛后对《中国日报》记者说。“当我们可以有机会通过体育或其他形式连接在一块儿,我们就可以更好地增进了解,消除隔阂。”

上海纽约大学美方校长杰弗里·雷蒙(左)为上海纪念中美乒乓外交50周年活动中美乒乓球友谊赛开球 中国日报 高尔强 摄
The US delegation arrived in China 50 years ago on Saturday, at the invitation of the Chinese national table tennis team.
The visitors played demonstration matches against Chinese counterparts in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Guangdong province, after more than two decades of estrangement and antagonism between the two nations.
Believed to help pave way for people-to-people exchanges between the two nations, Ping-Pong Diplomacy also laid the groundwork for US President Richard Nixon’s landmark one-week visit to China in 1972 and the eventual normalization of Sino-US diplomatic relations in 1979.

In 1972, one year after Ping-Pong Diplomacy was created, a Chinese table tennis delegation was invited to visit the US, and Lehman watched an exhibition match at the University of Maryland.
“I saw Zheng Minzhi, who was on the Chinese national team, at that match, and I’m excited to see that she’s also here at the commemoration event today. I still keep the program from that day,” Lehman said.

上海举办纪念中美乒乓外交50周年活动 中国日报 高尔强 摄
Li Xinna, 22, one of the Chinese players on Saturday, who is a student at the China Table Tennis College, said preparations for the commemorative event began five weeks ago when participants from the two countries got together to train once a week.
“Because each Chinese player was paired with an American player, we could share feelings of being nervous or happy together throughout the game,” she said.
中美乒乓外交的美方亲历者康妮·史维利斯(Connie Sweeris)也从美国为上海的50周年纪念活动专门邮寄来了签名乒乓球和球拍。

Connie Sweeris, 73, a member of the US delegation to China in 1971, sent a table tennis bat and ball she signed to organizers of the anniversary event from her home in Michigan.
She said that in addition to meeting Premier Zhou Enlai and shaking hands with him at the Great Hall of the People, the other highlights of the trip included playing a table tennis friendship match in Beijing in front of 18,000 people and walking on the Great Wall.
中国乒乓球队员姚振绪在1971年的友谊赛中与美国运动员格伦·科恩(Glen Cowan)打了比赛,并陪同参访上海。
“科恩在整个中国行中一直处于高度兴奋状态。有时候围着他的人太多了,因为他的打扮不一样,嬉皮士嘛。他还问了周总理,你对嬉皮士是怎么看的。” 姚振绪说。

上海举办纪念中美乒乓外交50周年活动 中国日报 高尔强 摄
Ping-Pong Diplomacy reunion trips continue to be held in China and the US to mark key anniversaries, with many former players attending.
Yao said, “People-to-people exchanges between the two nations over the years have become increasingly open and genuine. No matter the state of relations between the two governments, the civil friendship is unbreakable.”

上海举办纪念中美乒乓外交50周年活动 中国日报 高尔强 摄
Lehman has always had a passion for bridging relations between the two countries. As president of Cornell University from 2003 to 2005, part of his job was to renew ties with China.
记者:周文婷 贺琦