人文湖南 | 慢品社区老房子 · 李石曾旧居 武康路393号
直隶高阳(今属河北)人,名煜瀛,字石曾,笔名真民、石僧,晚年自号扩武。1902年赴法国就学,倾心于克鲁泡特金的互助论。1906年与人发起组织世界社,出版《新世纪》周报。8月加入同盟会。归国后, 在天津出版《民意报》,参与成立进德会、社会改良会、留法俭学会。1915年任华法教育会副会长。后任北京大学教授、中法大学董事长。
1924年国民党改组,任中央监察委员。后任北平大学校长、北平师范大学校长、北平研究院院长等职。抗日战争期间从事外交活动。1948年被聘为总统府资政。1949年去瑞士。1952年当选为国民党中央评议委员。1956年定居台北。1973 年9月在台北病逝。著有《石僧笔记》,另有遗稿《扩武自述》《石僧随笔》。
李石曾(1881-1973) ▲
作为中国留法第一人,李石曾认为开展世界文化运动方能实现其理想大同世界。1906年,他与张静江、吴稚晖在巴黎发起创办“世界社”,以“传布正当之人道,介绍真理之科学”为宗旨,“欲从各方面为促进教育之准备”。主张撷取各国文化之精华,兼容并蓄,融为一炉。1941年,他在给杨家骆的信中说道: “我组织世界社,欲其成为立体与动作的百科全书,因而无事不举,由出版而至于学术教育;由理论而至于应用经济;由戏曲的舞台而至政治社会的舞台,无所不为。” “世界社者世界之试验所。”
世界学校当时被誉为沪上最顶尖的“贵族学校”,对中国教育的现代化历程具有深刻而长远的影响。在校董李石曾的管理下,世界学校实行小学至初中毕业七年制,聘请著名学者授课,李石曾更亲力亲为, 走上三尺讲台耐心地教授学生法语。抗战时期,世界学校坚持不使用汪伪课本,在国际图书馆设立救护站救助伤员及难民,组织学生慰问抗日官兵,接待流亡师生,学生们积极参与,以生命研修人道主义与反法西斯课程。
李石曾 (钱定华画)▲
LI Shizeng
LI Shizeng (1881-1973) has his ancestral family from Gaoyang in Zhili province (now Hebei) with a personal name of Yuying, a courtesy name of Shizeng and pen names of Zhenmin and Shiseng as well as a style name of Kuowu given by himself. In 1902, he went to France to study, losing his heart to the mutual aid theory of Pyotr Kropotkin. In 1906, he launched with others the organization of World Society, and published weekly New Century. In August he joined the United League of China. After returning home, he published Public Opinion Newspaper in Tianjin and participated in the founding of Progressive Virtue Society, Social Reform Society and France Work-Study Society.
In 1915 he served as vice president of China Law Education Association and later as professor of Beijing University and chairman of the Sino-French University. In 1924, he served as member of the Central Supervision Committee when the KMT was reorganized. Later he served as president of Beiping University, Beiping Normal University and Beiping Research Institute. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Invasion, he was engaged in diplomatic activities. In 1948, he was appointed as advisor of the office of the president. In 1949, he paid a visit to Switzerland. In 1952, he was elected as member of the KMT Central Evaluation Committee. In 1956, he settled in Taipei, where he died in September 1973. In addition he was author of the book Notes by Shiseng and manuscripts Self-Account of Kuowu and Essays by Shiseng.
“ World Society as Experiment
of a World”
As the first Chinese to study in France, LI Shizeng thought that the world cultural movement could help to realize an ideal stateless world. In 1906, he together with ZHANG Jingjiang and WU Zhihui in Paris launched the founding of the “World Society”, with a view of “spreading justified humanity and introducing the science of truth”, “in order to promote the preparation of education in all aspects”. He advocated the absorption of the essence of different cultures and the inclusion of everything from them. In 1941, he wrote a letter to YANG Jialuo, saying, “I organized the World Society in order to create a three-dimensional encyclopedia for action.
Therefore nothing was not included, ranging from publication to academic education; from theory to applied economics; and from the stage of opera to the stage of the political and social society.” “World Society was an experiment of a world.”
In 1929, he moved the World Society to his apartment at No. 393 on Ferguson Road (now Wukang Road) and took charge of main affairs along with ZHANG Jingjiang and CHU Minyi. In 1932, he initiated the establishment of the China International Library, which was China’s first international professional library and was reconstructed from World Society Library located at No. 393 on Ferguson Road. It had a collection of Chinese and foreign books of over 50,000 volumes in addition to Chinese and foreign journals and magazines of over 500 types. In 1936, he together with other famous scholars set up the World School here as a training base for students to go to study in France. The purpose of its founding came down in one continuous line with that of the World Society. It also advocated that the youth go out of the country to broaden their horizons and learn the advanced technologies from Europe and the United States for the purpose of saving the country by science and by education.
At that time, the World School was hailed as the top of the “exclusive schools”, which exerted a profound and long-term impact on the modernization of China’s education. Under the management of the chairperson LI Shizeng, the school implemented a seven- year system from primary school to junior high school, inviting well-known scholars to teach courses. The chairperson even went into classroom to patiently teach students French in person. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Invasion, the school insisted on doing many things such as avoiding the use of the textbooks by the puppet government of WANG Jingwei, setting up aid stations in the international library to rescue the wounded and refugees, organizing students to greet the officers and soldiers against Japanese Invasion, and receiving teachers and students in exile. Students actively participated in them to attend and research courses of humanitarian and anti-fascism.
He devoted his whole life to the world cultural movement and established dozens of organizations affiliated to the World Society, dedicating himself to enable “everyone to know the world, love the world, travel the world and create a world, i.e. the integration of people and the world”, and promoting the exchange and development of world cultures.
信息来源:《200031 — 一个历史街区的文化记忆》