
背景音乐: EXO-K - MAMA



Chinese researchers have finally figured out how to clone a primate, using the same technique Scottish researchers devised to clone the first mammal, Dolly the sheep, in the mid-1990s.


For the first time, scientists say they created cloned primates using the same complicated cloning technique that made Dolly the sheep in 1996.

Shanghai scientists created two genetically identical and adorable long-tailed macaques. The monkeys are named Hua Hua and Zhong Zhong, a version of the Chinese adjective Zhonghua which means the "Chinese nation" or "people."

USA Today/今日美国:

In a feat that raises questions about how close the cloning of humans may be, scientists in China announced on Wednesday they have successfully cloned two long-tailed macaque monkeys.

The cloning of primates was long thought to be fundamentally more difficult than horses, sheep and other mammals and therefore much further away.

figure out 想出来

devise 想出来;设计出来

primate 灵长类动物

mammal 哺乳动物

clone 克隆

genetically identical 基因上一致的

adorable 可爱的

macaque 猕猴

feat 功绩;非凡成就




【听】  用讲究的方法,其实可以不费力地“听懂”

【说】  不是练嘴皮,让画面和情境“触发”说英文

【读】  阅读是信息量的最大来源,单词无需死记硬背

【写】  语法究竟为何物?如何轻松攻破?

【福利】 教你避开英语学习的几大普遍误区,提升英语&效率翻倍

