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Red Cell Transfusion–Associated Hemolysis in Cardiac surgery: An Observational Cohort Study



方  法


结  果

在543例患者中,82例(15.1%)在旁路期间接受红细胞输注(中位数1;四分位间距1-2单位)。所有患者均检测游离血红蛋白水平(平均11.3;标准差±9.3;第90百分位数18μmol/ L),转铁蛋白饱和度相对较高(平均41±19%;第90百分位数66%)。在控制混杂因素后,输注红细胞与游离血红蛋白水平无关(P> 0.25,线性回归和逻辑回归),但与转铁蛋白饱和度直接相关(线性和逻辑回归中P <0.001)。输注红细胞患者的转铁蛋白饱和度增高(即转铁蛋白饱和度> 66%)的风险增加6.2倍(95%置信区间:2.4-16.1)。

结  论



Karkouti, K., et al., Red Cell Transfusion-Associated Hemolysis in Cardiac Surgery: An Observational Cohort Study. Anesth Analg, 2017. 124(6): 1986-1991.


Red cell viability is impaired during storage, resulting in excess hemolysis during storage and after transfusion. As a result, transfusions may oversaturate the hemoglobin clearance pathways, resulting in cell-free hemoglobin and iron toxicity in susceptible patients, such as those undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. To explore this hypothesis, we assessed the relationship of red cell transfusions with cell-free hemoglobin and transferrin saturation levels in a consecutive cohort of cardiac surgical patients.


Laboratory measures of hemolysis were obtained in consecutive cardiacsurgical patients 15 to 30 minutes after bypass. Multivariable regression models controlling for important confounders were constructed to determine the independent relationship of red cell transfusions during bypass with cell-free hemoglobin and transferrin saturation levels postbypass, analyzed as continuous variables (linear regression) and categorized at the 90th percentiles (logistic regression).


Of the 543 included patients, 82 (15.1%) received red cell transfusions duringbypass (median 1; interquartile range 1–2 units). Cell-free hemoglobin was detected in all patients (mean 11.3; standard deviation ±9.3; 90th percentile 18 μmol/L), and transferrin saturations were relatively high (mean 41±19%;  90th percentile 66%). After controlling for confounders, transfusions were not associated with cell-free hemoglobin (P>0.25 in linear and logistic regression) but were directly associated with transferrin saturation levels (P<0.001 in linear and logistic regression). Transfused patients had a 6.2-fold (95% confidence interval: 2.4–16.1) risk-adjusted increase in the odds of having high (>66%) transferrin saturation levels.


The  findings  support  the hypothesis  that  transfusion-related  adverse  events may be in part caused by the excessive hemolysis of transfused red cells, which can lead to acute iron overload and related toxicity. This suggests that strategies aimed at avoiding or mitigating transfusion-related acute iron overload may improve the safety of red cell transfusions.




