雅思口语 Part1 考题:Friend

1 a fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友,不能共患难的朋友 (字面意思是只有晴天才能做朋友呢,fair weather 晴天)
Do you often meet new friends?
Not really. I think it's more important to have a small group of friends you can trust. I mean, I'm sure everyone has had a fair-weather friend at some point. They are so unreliable. 并非如此,我认为有几个值得信任的朋友更重要。我的意思是从某种程度来说,每个人都会有一些靠不住的酒肉朋友。
2 serendipity 奇缘,天注定的缘分,机缘巧合
Do you like meeting new people?
Oh, sure. I mean, I like to attend functions, gatherings and so on. They're good places to hobnob with all sorts of people. Of course, sometimes it seems like there are people you are predestined to meet. It's often a case of serendipity when you meet someone you have so much in common with. 当然啦,我喜欢参加一些集会和聚会等社交活动。在活动上,我们可以接触到形形色色的人。 当然,有时候我们会冥冥中遇到某些人,当你遇到某个跟你有很多共同之处的时候,那往往是一种奇缘。

3 show one's colours 原形毕露
We always regard him as a friend, but he showed his colours in the current emergency.
我们一贯把他看作朋友, 但在当前的紧急关头中, 他原形毕露了。
4 bosom friend 知心朋友
I have a big circle of friends, but few bosom friends!
Long distance separates no bosom friends. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
5 stab me in the back 背后捅刀
I was taken aback and didn’t think my so-called bosom friend would stab me in the back.