雅思口语新题季new friend
new friend

>>> We are very tight and we hit it off right away. 我们关系很铁,一拍即合。
>>> It's this new friend who is genuinely sincere and trustworthy, so I'm quite into this type of companion.这个新朋友真诚且值得信任, 所以我很喜欢这种类型的朋友。
>>> Since I found that we were just fair-weather friends, we drifted apart. 既然我们发现彼此只是酒肉朋友,我们渐渐疏远了。
>>> Actually we are kindred spirits and enjoy each other's company. You know we are kind of on the same wavelength. 事实上我们是可以说是知己了,而且享受对方的陪伴。我们挺懂对方的。
>>> If my friend were a back-stabber, I would probably go crazy I'm afraid. 如果我的朋友是个出卖朋友的人,我可能会发疯的。

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