雅思口语| Part1难题: Number数字
1 superstitious /ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃəs; ˌsjuːpəˈstɪʃəs/ 迷信的
Actually, I'm a little superstitious. My favourite number's 8, because in my country it represents wealth. 事实上我有一点迷信。我最喜欢的数字是8,因为在我的国家它代表财富。
2 be the complete opposite 完全相反
8 is considered lucky because it represents wealth, but 4 is the complete opposite. It's very unlucky because it sounds like the word 'die' in Chinese. Of course, it's just a kind of superstition really. 数字8被认为是幸运数字,因为它象征着财富;而数字4则正好相反,因为它的读音和汉语的’死'很相近。当然了,这只是一种迷信而已。
3 odd number 奇数
even number 偶数
Cars will be restricted based on the odd and even number rule for 46 days. 有46天将实行机动车单双号限行。
4 memorize 11-digit mobile phone numbers in a flash 快速记住11位数字的电话号码
She's able to memorize11-digit mobile phone numbers in a flash, which is amazing.
5 wrack my brain 绞尽脑汁
I wracked my brain, trying to remember his telephone number.我绞尽脑汁,想记住他的电话号码。
6 lucky plate number 有幸运数字的车牌照
As they trust the lucky number can bring them luckiness, these people would take all their efforts to get the lucky plate number when they buy cars. 因为相信幸运数字能带来好运,这些人在买车时会不惜一切代价买到有幸运数字的车牌照。
7 number sth. 给...编号
He cut his paper up into tiny squares, and he numbered each one. 他把纸裁成小方块并给每个方块编号。
8 I am in line holding the number I took for love. 我排著队拿著爱的号码牌。(皮一下很开心啊
