Print the current working directory. With the -P option, pwd prints
the physical directory, without any symbolic links; the -L option
makes pwd follow symbolic links.
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The paste utility concatenates the corresponding lines of the given input files, replacing all but the last file's newline characters with a single tab character, and writes the resulting lines to standard
output. If end-of-file is reached on an input file while other input files still contain data, the file is treated as if it were an endless source of empty lines.
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat int.txt 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 810 911 1012 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat char.txt13 a14 b15 c16 d17 e18 f19 g20 h21 i22 j23 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ paste int.txt char.txt24 1 a25 2 b26 3 c27 4 d28 5 e29 6 f30 7 g31 8 h32 9 i33 10 j
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-d 选项可以指定粘合的分隔符
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-s 选项使文本内容按照一行显示
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ seq 1000 > test.txt2 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ wc -l test.txt3 1000 test.txt4 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ paste -s test.txt |wc -l5 1
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paste 还可以将列转行的时候,指定几行的内容归为一行,- 代表一行的内容,下面是把三行归为一行进行处理
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ paste - - - <char.txt 2 a b c 3 d e f 4 g h i 5 j 6 7 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ paste -d '+-*' - - - -<char.txt 8 9 a+b-c*d10 11 e+f-g*h12 13 i+j-*
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The ps utility displays a header line, followed by lines containing information about all of your processes that have controlling terminals.
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1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ ps -u mengxianglei2 UID PID TTY TIME CMD3 501 265 ?? 0:06.43 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd agent4 501 266 ?? 0:12.98 /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent (Aqua)5 501 268 ?? 0:19.82 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent
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Change the current directory to DIR
用法比较简单,cd 后面直接跟需要跳转的路径即可。
. 代表用户当前目录
The mkdir utility creates the directories named as operands, in the order specified, using mode rwxrwxrwx (0777) as modified by the current umask(2).
-p 如果创建多级目录,需要使用-p选项
-v 显示创建详细过程
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1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ mkdir -p ./mulu/{1..3}2 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cd mulu3 mengxialeideMBP:mulu mengxianglei$ ls4 1 2 3
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The touch utility sets the modification and access times of files. If any file does not exist, it is created with default permissions.
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ touch touchfile 2 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ ls -l 3 total 0 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 0 11 4 13:06 touchfile 5 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ stat touchfile 6 16777220 3212171 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 0 0 'Nov 4 13:06:48 2018' 'Nov 4 13:06:48 2018' 'Nov 4 13:06:48 2018' 'Nov 4 13:06:48 2018' 4194304 0 0 touchfile 7 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ touch -a touchfile 8 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ stat touchfile 9 16777220 3212171 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 0 0 'Nov 4 13:07:41 2018' 'Nov 4 13:06:48 2018' 'Nov 4 13:07:41 2018' 'Nov 4 13:06:48 2018' 4194304 0 0 touchfile10 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ touch -m touchfile 11 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ stat touchfile 12 16777220 3212171 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 0 0 'Nov 4 13:07:41 2018' 'Nov 4 13:08:55 2018' 'Nov 4 13:08:55 2018' 'Nov 4 13:06:48 2018' 4194304 0 0 touchfile
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-r 选项,可以修改目标文件时间属性与源文件一样
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list directory contents
l 长格式显示
a 显示所有文件包扩隐藏文件
A 显示所有文件包括隐藏文件,但不显示.、..
t 按照最后修改时间(mtime)排序
r 相反次序
F 目录后面加/
i 显示inode节点信息
d 显示目录本身信息
h 人类可读
--full-time 显示完整时间
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ ls -AlrtFih2 total 03 3212194 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 0B 11 4 13:12 2.txt4 3212193 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 0B 11 4 13:17 1.txt5 3212415 drwxr-xr-x 2 mengxianglei staff 64B 11 4 13:38 mulu/
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In the first synopsis form, the cp utility copies the contents of the source_file to the target_file. In the second synopsis form, the contents of each named source_file is copied to the destination
target_directory. The names of the files themselves are not changed. If cp detects an attempt to copy a file to itself, the copy will fail.
-r 复制目录时递归复制,必须加上-r选项
-p 保留文件所有者、权限信息、时间属性
-d 如果文件为链接文件,仅复制链接文件本身
-a 相当于drp
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-i 如果存在相同文件,则提示用户进行确认
1 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ touch getcurrentdate.sh2 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ cp -i 3 overwrite (y/n [n]) y
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In its first form, the mv utility renames the file named by the source operand to the destination path named by the target operand. This form is assumed when the last operand does not name an already existing
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The rm utility attempts to remove the non-directory type files specified on the command line. If the permissions of the file do not permit writing, and the standard input device is a terminal, the user is
prompted (on the standard error output) for confirmation.
-r 可以递归删除目录及目录里面的内容
-f 强制删除,无需提示
1 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ rm -rf dir62 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ ls3 dir3 dir4 dir5
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The ln utility creates a new directory entry (linked file) which has the same modes as the original file. It is useful for maintaining multiple copies of a file in many places at once without using up storage
for the ``copies''; instead, a link ``points'' to the original copy. There are two types of links; hard links and symbolic links. How a link ``points'' to a file is one of the differences between a hard and
symbolic link.
1 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ touch file1 2 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ ln file1 hard_link 3 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ ln -s file1 soft_link 4 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ ls -l 5 total 0 6 -rw-r--r-- 2 mengxianglei staff 0 11 4 15:15 file1 7 -rw-r--r-- 2 mengxianglei staff 0 11 4 15:15 hard_link 8 lrwxr-xr-x 1 mengxianglei staff 5 11 4 15:16 soft_link -> file1 9 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ ls -lhi10 total 011 3213173 -rw-r--r-- 2 mengxianglei staff 0B 11 4 15:15 file112 3213173 -rw-r--r-- 2 mengxianglei staff 0B 11 4 15:15 hard_link13 3213177 lrwxr-xr-x 1 mengxianglei staff 5B 11 4 15:16 soft_link -> file114 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$
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The find utility recursively descends the directory tree for each path listed, evaluating an expression (composed of the ``primaries'' and ``operands'' listed below) in terms of each file in the tree.
-type 查找类型
-name 文件名称
-mtime 修改时间 +、-
! 取反
-user 属于某个用户的文件
-nouser 不属于任何用户的文件
-maxdepth 1 最深一级目录
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1 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ touch {1..9}.txt2 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ find ./ -name '*.txt' -exec mv {} {}.bak \; 3 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ ls4 1.txt.bak 2.txt.bak 3.txt.bak 4.txt.bak 5.txt.bak 6.txt.bak 7.txt.bak 8.txt.bak 9.txt.bak
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The xargs utility reads space, tab, newline and end-of-file delimited strings from the standard input and executes utility with the strings as arguments
-n 每行显示个数
-d 指定分隔符号
1 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ cat int.txt 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 810 911 1012 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ xargs < int.txt13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1014 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ xargs -n 2 < int.txt15 1 216 3 417 5 618 7 819 9 10
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rename from to file
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1 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ dirname /Users/mengxianglei/mxl/script/int.txt2 /Users/mengxianglei/mxl/script3 mengxialeideMBP:script mengxianglei$ dirname int.txt4 .
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a 只能想文件追加数据。+a 、 -a
i. 文件不能被删除、改名、写入或者新增 +i、-i
The chown utility changes the user ID and/or the group ID of the specified files. Symbolic links named by arguments are silently left unchanged unless -h is used.
-R 递归更改目录下文件
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-R 递归处理
r 读权限
w 写权限
x 执行权限
4,2,1 通过4,2,1来计算,可以理解4,2,1为读写执行的权重,计算的总和即文件的执行权限。
ls -l 查看文件时候,第一位为文件的类型,后面9位分别代表属主、属组、其他用户的读、写、执行
cat -- concatenate and print files
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat int.txt 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 810 911 1012 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat char.txt13 a14 b15 c16 d17 e18 f19 g20 h21 i22 j23 k24 l25 m26 n27 o28 p29 q30 r31 s32 t33 u34 v35 w36 x37 y38 z39 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat int.txt char.txt40 141 242 343 444 545 646 747 848 949 1050 a51 b52 c53 d54 e55 f56 g57 h58 i59 j60 k61 l62 m63 n64 o65 p66 q67 r68 s69 t70 u71 v72 w73 x74 y75 z
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-n 显示行号
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1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat /dev/null>test.txt 2 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat test.txt 3 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$
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通过cat 非交互式写入文件内容,如果结尾<<-EOF,最后的EOF可以不顶格
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mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat <<-EOF> fsdf> fsdfsdf> EOFfsdffsdfsdf
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-N 显示每页行号
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head -- display first lines of a file
-n 指定显示的行数
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ head -n 11 int.txt 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 810 911 1012 11
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tail -- display the last part of a file
-n 指定显示多少行
-f 实时监控文件变化
-F 实时监控文件变化,文件不存在是不报错,一直等待
The cut utility cuts out selected portions of each line (as specified by list) from each file and writes them to the standard output. If no file arguments are specified, or a file argument is a single dash
(`-'), cut reads from the standard input. The items specified by list can be in terms of column position or in terms of fields delimited by a special character. Column numbering starts from 1.
-b 以字节单位进行分隔
-c 以字符为单位进行分隔
-d 指定分隔符
-f 指定显示区域
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1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd 2 ## 3 # User Database 4 # 5 # Note that this file is consulted directly only when the system is running 6 # in single-user mode. At other times this information is provided by 7 # Open Directory. 8 # 9 # See the opendirectoryd(8) man page for additional information about10 # Open Directory.11 ##12 nobody13 root14 daemon15 _uucp16 _taskgated17 _networkd18 _installassistant19 _lp20 _postfix21 _scsd22 _ces23 _appstore24 _mcxalr25 _appleevents26 _geod27 _serialnumberd28 _devdocs29 _sandbox30 _mdnsresponder
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split -- split a file into pieces
-l 指定分隔的行数
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-a 指定文件扩展名长度
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ split -l 10 -a 5 int.txt 2 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ ls -l 3 total 88 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 292 11 5 00:02 int.txt 5 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 21 11 5 00:16 xaaaaa 6 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 30 11 5 00:16 xaaaab 7 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 30 11 5 00:16 xaaaac 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 30 11 5 00:16 xaaaad 9 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 30 11 5 00:16 xaaaae10 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 30 11 5 00:16 xaaaaf11 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 30 11 5 00:16 xaaaag12 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 30 11 5 00:16 xaaaah13 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 30 11 5 00:16 xaaaai14 -rw-r--r-- 1 mengxianglei staff 31 11 5 00:16 xaaaaj
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sort -- sort or merge records (lines) of text and binary files
-n 按照数值大小排序
-r 倒叙
-t 指定分隔
-k 指定排序
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The uniq utility reads the specified input_file comparing adjacent lines, and writes a copy of each unique input line to the output_file. If input_file is a single dash (`-') or absent, the standard input is
read. If output_file is absent, standard output is used for output. The second and succeeding copies of identical adjacent input lines are not written. Repeated lines in the input will not be detected if
they are not adjacent, so it may be necessary to sort the files first.
-c 去除重复行,统计出重复行的个数
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ sort -n int.txt |uniq -c 2 5 1 3 5 2 4 5 3 5 5 4 6 5 5 7 5 6 8 5 7 9 5 810 5 911 5 10
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wc -- word, line, character, and byte count
-l 统计行数
-L 统计最长行长度
-m 统计字符数
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diff - compare files line by line
The tr utility copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters.
-d 删除字符
-s 保留连续字符的第一个字符
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat test.txt 2 aafdfdsfsfaaaaafsdfsdffn1122111fsf3433 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ tr 'abc' '123' <test.txt 4 11fdfdsfsf11111fsdfsdffn1122111fsf3435 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ tr -d 'a' <test.txt 6 fdfdsfsffsdfsdffn1122111fsf3437 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ tr -s 'a' <test.txt 8 afdfdsfsfafsdfsdffn1122111fsf343
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tee -- pipe fitting
-a 追加
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the grep utility searches any given input files, selecting lines thatmatch one or more patterns.
-v 排除,显示不匹配的行
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ cat a.txt 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 810 911 1012 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ grep -v 2 a.txt13 114 315 416 517 618 719 820 921 10
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-n 显示匹配行或者行号
-i 不区分大小写
-E 扩展的grep
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-w 只匹配过滤的单词
1 mengxialeideMBP:mxl mengxianglei$ grep -w --color=auto hello 2.txt2 hello3 hello
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the sed utility reads the specified files, or the standard input if no files are specified, modifying the input as specified by a list of commands.
sed '2i 2' int.txt指定行后增加内容sed '2a 2' int.txt增加多行sed '2a 2\n3' int.txt删除文件中一行sed '2d' int.txt删除多行sed '2,5d' int.txt文本替换sed -i 's#1#2#g' int.txt打印sed -n '2p' int.txtN的特殊用法sed 'N;s#\n#=#g' int.txt
awk scans each input file for lines that match any of a set of patterns specified literally in prog or in one or more files specified as -f progfile.
-F 指定分隔符
NR 行号
NF 尾
$0 整行
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1 awk 'NR==2,NR==6' a.txt
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1 awk '{gsub('/sbing/nologin','/bin/bash',$0);print $0}' int.txt
ifconfig eth0|awk -F '[ :]+' 'NR==2{print $4}'
uname -- Print operating system name
-r 显示内核版本
-m 显示硬件架构
-a 显示所有信息
-n 显示主机名
hostname -- set or print name of current host system
-i 主机IP
-I 主机IP,不依赖DNS解析,速度快