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Shaanxi Through Dr. Robin’s Eyes


TheGreat Learning Lane


(英)罗宾·吉尔班克   胡宗锋  译

Middle Eastern influence wasboth embraced and, at times, viewed with suspicion by the Great Tang Empire.Much as the Emperor Taizong welcomed trade with states along the Silk Road, hebecame vexed when Turkic decadence infiltrated his household. His elder son anddesignated heir, the Crown Prince LiChengqian (618-45 AD) displayed a capable demeanour when ruling as regentduring the period of mourning for his grandfather Gaozu and on other occasionswhen Taizong was absent from Chang’an. Nonetheless, from the age of aroundfifteen his predilection for all things Tujue – from the clothing to thelanguage and even the habit of camping out of doors – became a matter ofspeculation. Chengqian’s over-familiarity with a courtier by the name ofChengxin, together with his dabbling in Taoist magic, provoked his father tohave the favourite and the monks concerned murdered. The remainder of his shortlife saw the Crown Prince bitterly locking horns over the royal succession withhis brother Li Tai, before succumbing to illness in exile. Almost a centuryafter his demise, the Emperor Xuanzong honoured him with the posthumous title Min, meaning “suffering.”


Xuanzong’s son the EmperorSuzong (reigned 756-62 AD) looked to the Middle East in an effort to mend thefractured state of the Tang military during the An Lushan Rebellion. He wrote amissive to Al-Mansur, the Caliph of Baghdad, requesting that he send 7 000cavalrymen. Those who served with honour and survived the conflict would havehis blessing to settle within the empire and have their rights protected.Although Muslim envoys had entered Chang’an in 651 AD when the Caliph Othmanvisited the Emperor Gaozong, historians frequently pinpoint Suzong’s act ofbilateral recruitment as marking the birth of a new ethnic minority group. Thegreat influx of single Arab men to Shaanxi (a little over half of the cohortseems to have exercised their prerogative to stay) brought about interracialmarriage with the local Han. The progeny of these unions usually retained theirancestral worship of Allah while adopting elements of the native culture. Familynames were Sinicized so that Osman became Cai and Ha became Hasan, Hussein wasswapped for Hu and Shah for Sha. The commonest surname Muhammed was broken intosyllables with Ma and Mu and Han being favoured contractions. They settled inclustered communities around mosques, initially known as fanfang (a term long used to designate enclaves for foreigners)before the more descriptive title jiaofang(or Muslim enclave) came into usage. These Chinese Muslims were known byvarious titles through the ages. The one which finally stuck was coined by theSong Dynasty patriarch Su-fei-erh. He called them Huihui Jiao or Hui forshort.


The Shaanxi Hui consolidatedtheir religious rites during the Ming Dynasty thanks to two critical advents.The Emperor Yongle (reigned 1404-24 AD), granted an edict permitting thereconstruction of the Great Mosque on Huajue Lane in Xi’an, on the plot where aTang era house of worship stood. Fusing discernibly Islamic with medievalChinese aesthetic styles, the current complex was erected only a few decadesafter the Bell and Drum Towers. Yongle’s father Hongwu (reigned 1368-98) hadpreviously appointed Hui generals to cornerstone posts in the imperial army andMuslim support was key to the success of the rebellion which brought the Mingregime to power. Whether working independently or relying upon a ghostwriter,Yongle burnished the dynasty’s reverence for the Prophet Mohammed and his followersby setting down the 100-word Eulogy (Baizizan).This concludes by labelling the religion “pure and true” (qinzhen), the that has come to denote that which is halal in China. Hence a mosque inChinese is, accordingly, known as a “pure and true temple” (qingzhen si). Secondly, Hu Dengzhou(1522-97) laid the foundation for modern Hui religious study. His “scripturehall education” method (Jingtang Jiaoyu)allowed Arabic to be learned through rendering its syllables into the sounds ofspoken Chinese. Uniquely, it may be noted, among the fifty-seven ethnicities inChina the Hui are the only group not identified as having their ownlanguage.


The Great Mosque is still a drawfor pilgrims and tourists alike owing to the central location of the building,not to mention the ease with which souvenirs of Islamic calligraphy and halal snacks can be bought in HuajueLane and Hui Min Jie. Other local places of worship have their own distinctcharacter. The Great Learning Lane Mosque (DaxuexiSi) exudes a peculiar calm, broken these days by only screeching felinecaterwauls. Pigeons pop in and out of the moldering Ming gables for corn andtry to dodge the resident mousers. Lest a bloodbath ensue during prayer-timethe ancient caretaker Mr. Wang must spring into action darting fromcorner-to-corner swishing a bamboo broom. When overseas guests arrive, thisreferee downs his tools and is full flush with anecdotes about how he fled thepoverty of Gansu, where he lost two wives, and now leads a charmed life, beingable to meet Pakistani and European tourists. From his new “foreign friends”the bearded gentleman humbly tries to cadge the lowest denomination of loosechange from their home countries. Vacant moments are spent stacking these coinsand arranging them into imaginative configurations beneath his camp-bed. AsWang is proud to recall, the Great Learning Lane Mosque has a trulycosmopolitan pedigree. Hasan, the resident Imam, was recruited by theglobetrotting Zheng He (1471-1533/5) to act as interpreter and translator onone of his voyages.


Another one-time worshipper hereserved to restore the reputation of the Shaanxi Hui for martial excellence. MaZhenbang (1928-2013) was born around the corner at Dapiyuan, which typicallyfor the city in the Republic of China era had no paved roads and Ma began topractice martial arts because of his weak health, he then became fascinated init. He learns from many great masters and absorbed their strong points. He ,too become a great master and had students like Zhao Changjun, Huang Dapeng andetc. He has made done a lot for the development of the martial arts in China,while his super Kongfu andoutstanding personality made him a model for the later generations.


At present, the Hui in Shaanxiare vastly outnumbered by the Han majority. Their numbers have dwindled toapproximately one per cent of the provincial population or around seventythousand souls in Xi’an City. This was not always so for in 1781 the governor Bi Yuan sent a memorial to theEmperor Qianlong reporting how:-


Itappears that in various places in Shaanxi province, the Huihui are morepopulous than in other provinces. Moreover in Xi’an and the counties whichbelong to it, Chang’an, Weinan, Lintong, Gaoling and Xianyang and Dali andHuazhou which belong to Tongzhou ,Nanzhengand other prefectures and counties belonging to Hanzhong, the Hui people buildstockades in which they live and there the Hui population is even denser. TheHui population of the provincial capital Xi’an is at least several thousand andthere are seven mosques in the city. The majority of Hui in Xi’an live byfarming, livestock rearing and trade. Many are comfortably off and have servedas military officials, officers of high or low rank and successfully taken themilitary examinations.

(Qin Zhezhong [Equitable Settlement in Shaanxi] Leslie, 1986, p. 127).


By the time the Emperor Guangxuascended the throne in 1875 it would have been impossible to have composed sucha memorial. Skirmishes between the Han and the Hui beginning in 1862 damagedthe infrastructures of Shaanxi and Gansu, leaving 20.77 million dead fromensuing famines and natural disasters. The Tongzhi Muslim Revolt – still apolitically sensitive topic – accounted for around 4 million Hui fatalities inShaanxi alone. Entire Muslim villages like Huichu in Hu County were razed tothe ground, largely eliminating the province’s population of agrarian Hui andpushing followers of Islam into the safer confines of the metropolis.


The modern Muslim district inXi’an scarcely needs any introduction, for I have yet to know of any Britishtourist at least who does not either remember tasting kebabs and sweetmeats alfresco or bartering for silk scarves for their mother or a named auntie backhome. Local city-folk by and large seldom frequent the bazaar, seeing it as ablatant tourist trap. The late memoirist Han Suyin (1916 or 1917-2012) haspointed to a former time when the legacy of the Silk Road was still more firmlyimprinted on the Hui people’s community:-


Ilike the Islamic quarter of Sian, where an ambling goat, an occasionaltwo-humped camel, rare as a fabled beast today, could still be accosted in the1960s. Sian is enchanting, with its willows, the roar of its noon cicadas, itstemples and museums and palaces, its delicious local beer and civilized people.From here we set out on our journey to modern Tartary, Sinkiang: we shallfollow – by aeroplane – the Silk Road, as did the caravans launching themselvesto cross the deserts to India, to Tyre and Sidon, to Rome and to Alexandria.

(Han Suyin  Chapter6 Phoenix Harvest  Page 177)



The only camels I have ever seenin Shaanxi were the tethered creatures which occupied neighbouring pens to theostriches at Maweiyi Ancient Village in Xinping County. Parents could pay tenyuan to allow their kids to feed them salad leaves with an additional surchargebeing levied if they wanted a photograph sitting atop the beast. Dr. Han’swritings are inflected with a dash of romanticism, so one cannot be entirelycertain about how “occasional” sightings of camels were in Beilin Districthalf-a-century ago. Living goats there are at times aplenty, but one is morelikely to encounter the carcasses of dead sheep and cows in a variety of statesof dissection and cooking. Lifeless ovine digits beckon from within simmeringpans of soup. Meanwhile, at butcher’s shops, particularly those along GreatLearning Avenue, gigantic sections of cattle liver occupy entire counters.Despite being no stranger to the consumption of offal (braised liver, bacon andonions, and steak and kidney pie are favourite recipes back home), I cannotquite fathom what dishes could be concocted from such iron-heavy portions ofinnards.


The Scottish crime writer PeterMay depicts this scene in a more tantalizing way. The two protagonists of oneof his novels, who like May were residents aliens in Beijing, find themselvescompelled to gather evidence for a murder case in Xi’an and take this as achance to sample Hui culture:-


Then,as they left the gloom of the outer fringes of the Quarter, and wandered deepinto the very heart of it, the olfactory sensations became a little morepleasant. Indian spices. Cumin, coriander, garam masala. The smells of cooking.Spiced lamb and roast chicken. Braziers were pumped up to extremes of heat andlight by electronic blowers placed directly beneath them. Long troughs ofcharcoal glowed and smoked and filled the air with the mouthwatering smells ofbarbecued meat. Savoury chestnuts and black beans were being roasted togetherin huge woks, great vats of brown sesame sludge brought to high temperatures onfiercely burning fires to separate the oil from the tahini. There were barbershops, seed stores, sweet sellers, hardware stands. A boy was rolling outnoodles on a sidewalk cooking table while a woman behind him washed dishes in abig stone sink.

(Peter May, The Fourth Sacrifice, p. 126).



May’s rather farfetched plotsleave my eyes spinning. Still, of all popular foreign writers he seems sensibleto the briskness of daily life in urban China, even if he tends – like mosttravel guides – to focus on the influence the Hui Muslim have had uponinfluencing culinary cuisine in Shaanxi.


As cooks, the Huiare popularisers as well as innovators. Mutton stew based on shredded flatbread(yang rou paomo) has been noted asfar back at the time of Li Bai, yet it may have been the Muslim prohibition oneating pork, taken together with the need for wholesome winter food, that madeit a Hui mainstay. Paomo in bothits mutton and beef variants is truly ubiquitous – featuring on themenus of the smallest of eateries as well as the highest notch internationalhotels. The act of ripping up one’s own bread as a prelude to eating adds tothe experience. Tourists are most likely to encounter the dish in the leadingMuslim restaurants such as Jia San.Mr. Jia’s ostentatious premises with its multi-coloured mock Ming exterior andgilded sign inscribed by Jia Pingwa (no relation) outshines each of itsneighbours on Hui Min Jie. The proprietor’s capacity for self-promotionredounds throughout the walls of his establishment which bear his dozens ofcelebrity photos.


The Hui communitycan certainly be held responsible for helping to nourish the Xi’anese fondnessfor confectionary. To begin with the most sugary first, the Chinese Muslimsretail their own independently-discovered versions of cinder toffee and peanutbrittle. The tastes differ not in the slightest from the British equivalents.However, we eat with our eyes before our palates get a look in. Compared tobuying plastic bags of cinder toffee from a poky shop by the seaside, I wouldmuch rather accost an ancient vendor on a cycle whose basket bears a cake ofthe stuff, fractured asymmetrically across a sheet of hessian. Just likepurchasing a sweet potato roasted in a converted street-side oil-drum, theseller usually whips out a penny balance and is none too bothered aboutrounding off a few fen.


As for thebrittle, one or two Hui stores retain a massive hook beneath their outdoorcanopies. The raw sweet is prepared in a kitchen somewhere out of sight, but todrum up custom during the summer season a couple of well-built, skull-cappedguys will happily skewer a few pounds of the nutty candy mixture and tusslewith it for a good half hour, twisting and layering it until it solidifies. Theend product is snipped into bite-size fragments using dressmaker’s scissors.For those who favour self-indulgence above chutzpah, ten or twelve yuan will purchase a rice-paper parcelcontaining a dozen or so stacked bars of brittle.


Resounding moststrongly with the strains of eras past is the Huanggui persimmon pancake.Drying persimmons out and combining them with wheat-flour to form a paste wasoriginally a method of preserving this fruit, which, having a high sugar andwater content is prone to rotting after harvesting. Going one stage further,the paste can be seasoned with anything from osmanthus juice to walnut kernelsand molded into patties in the palm. Frying these in oil for several minutesthey come out crisp on the outside and unctuous at the centre. The fire-crystalpersimmon fruit was purportedly brought back to Lintong County by themuch-travelled Han Dynasty envoy Zhang Qian (200-114 BC). In popular culture,his botanical introductions, such as alfalfa for use as horse fodder, are asfamous as his missions to try and seek allies against the warlike Xiongnutribes of the northwest frontier. The pancakes were said to have fortified LiZicheng and his army in 1644 as they passed through the area en route to tryand overthrow the Ming regime in Beijing.


Where the other Muslimsnacks are concerned, there is slim hope of replicating the same dishes in aWestern kitchen, should one have the inclination. A food which fell out offavour in the later twentieth century before experiencing a recent resurgenceis the enigmatically-named “mirror cake.” The only explanation I can offer forthe name is that the sweet is small and circular and often has a glazedsurface. Given the typical appearance of the hand mirrors prized by well-bornladies of the Tang Dynasty, this is not a ludicrous comparison. They were roundin shape and cast in silver, with a decorative reverse, featuring creatures ofthe likes of cranes and Mandarin ducks. To the casual onlooker, the productionof this confectionary requires an inordinately intricate array of paraphernalia.Mirror cake is always made in situ bypeddlers with an adapted cart. The heat is generated from an oven orbriquette burner in the bowels of the box and channeled through apertures intoa series of small sectioned steamers. Prior to introducing them tothe heat source, the vendor has packed these tapering chambers withthe ingredients: glutinous rice, white and brown sugar and flavourings such asrose oil and walnuts, together with sundry dyes. Upon purchase he will liftaway a section and prize out the contents using a bamboo slip as the lollipopstick. The early Qing Dynasty poetWang Hongqing (pen-name “Wenxuan”)from Xianyang wrote a poem in praise of the sweet. He pictured a balmy summer’sday on which:-


Along day in the shade of the willow

Eventhe shoulder pole sends forth fragrance

Littlekids are laughing lightly

Forthey’ll drag their mothers for a bite.





The vendor musthave had a far tougher time of it in the Old China if he was forced to conveyall his wares on a length of bamboo slung over his shoulders. Colloquially,folks would refer to the tip on which the furnace was carried as the “hot end.”So peculiar to think that a man could build the physique of a wrestler throughretailing such a dainty product every day!


Hui Min Jie, to certain minds, is little more than afaçade, or some meretricious flypaper for entrapping foreign money. Thosewanting to taste a more unpolished version of trading should attend the Sundaymorning “bird and cricket market” at Xi Cang. The dusty alleys clog withpedestrians like seventy-year old arteries, there being the ever-present dangerof being nudged in the kidney by the handles of a cycle whose rider isaudacious enough to try to squeeze through the press. If one’s gaze can beaverted from the all-too-prominent stalls selling Viagra alternatives (theboxes feature photographs ranging from explicit stills demonstrating maleultra-virility copied from hardcore pornographic movies to the beaming face ofBill Clinton) at any given moment a new shade of human life is to be found onshow there. I distinctly recall my first Muslim funeral when all of a suddenthe alley on which I was inspecting calligraphy surged with plaintive wails. Aminute or two later customers had to duck away as a stretcher bearing thedeceased was borne aloft above head-height by half a dozen skull-cappedrelatives. Open-casket funerals being such a rarity in the UK, I was especiallyunprepared for the sight of the wizened greying ankles just visible above theslipper-clad feet. Protruding from beneath the rug these members confirmed thatthis was past being a medical emergency. The unaffected grief of the family andtheir filial dedication in conveying the corpse to the mosque post haste put meoff the peanut brittle. And yet it connected with something more protean.


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