Day2|Calling in Sick
今天是和大家一起学英语播客的第 2 天。
= very sick
ill 是英式英语,sick 是美式英语,意思和用法基本是一样的,英语中还有很多类似这样英式英语和美式英语的对应词/同义词,如果我能做到持续更新的话,之后会帮大家总结一下。
在这个语境中 = starting to get sick
sore 是疼痛的,所以这里意思是喉咙痛。
也可以用这个词和其他身体部位组合,比如 a sour back / arm / neck(背疼/胳膊疼/脖子疼),突然想起了步步高点读机,有一种哪里疼就点哪里的感觉,哈哈~
Headache, sore throat and runny nose 通常是 having a cold 的三大症状。
slightly = a little bit
feverish = the feeling that your body is really hot / you feel that you have high temperature
但通常这只是当事人自己的感觉,并不是真的 have a fever,很多时候是自己吓自己啦~
= Call the office and say that you are not going to work.
= not to go to work>I was hoping to take the day off to recover.
很地道的“请一天假”的说法,如果是请一周/一个月的假,可以说 take the week / month off。day off 本身也指休假,比如 Most of people go to work from Money to Friday, and then they can get two days off.
= get better
正常情况下,personal day 指事假(不同于病假)。但总有些时候我们因为私事而请病假,这种情况在加拿大也被称为 personal day。
Start learning from today!