​啊~!!!We are family.居然是正确的说法!

在公元2020年11月29日20时35分36秒之前,凌哥对于“We are family.”一直是和大家一样持否定态度的。
可怜的超哥,也因为一句“We are family”而被人冠上了“超式英语”的名号。

在凌哥小脑袋的英语语言知识中,family作为名词,一直是“集合名词”,也是可数名词。如果family作为形容词,应该是置于名词前面的,比如a family tree。
这几天,凌哥在审一本书稿。然后,昨天晚上20:35,赫然发现动画片《Stuart Little(精灵鼠小弟)》中的一句台词:

啊!第6点中有一个习惯用法:she's/he's family。点击链接细究一下:
“非正式用语” 用于强调某人与你关系紧密。
那么,native的英语作品中有没有“We are family”的表达呢?凌哥继续找:
哎呀呀,满屏的“We are family”,让凌哥无地自容啊!


为了安慰一下自己脆弱的心灵,凌哥准备欣赏一下《冰河世纪4》的歌曲——We Are Family!一起来吧
Jennifer Lopez & Nicki Minaj & Drake - We Are Family

We Are Family

(from "Ice Age 4" soundtrack)

We are, we are

Not your ordinary fami-mily

But we can all agree that

We are, we are

Close as close can be

So it don't matter what it looks like

We look perfect to me

We got every kind of love

I feel so lucky indeed

They can keep on talking

It don't matter to me cause

We are, we are family

We are are are are (We are)

We are are are are (We are)

We are are are are (We are)

We are, we are family, family, family

We are, we are family

So what?

We don't look, we don't act

We don't walk, we don't talk

Like you do

So what?

If we hang just to hang

Ain't no shame

We gon' do what we want to

Cause we come from everywhere

Searching for ones to care

Somehow we found it here

We found us a home

We are, we are

Not your ordinary fami-mily

But we can all agree that

We are, we are

Close as close can be

So it don't matter what it looks like

We look perfect to me

We got every kind of love

I feel so lucky indeed

They can keep on talking

It don't matter to me cause

We are, we are family

OK, so the links in our chain makes us strange

But really they make us stronger

And I wouldn't replace not a thing

Mother or father

Cause we,

Cause we come from everywhere

Searching for ones to care

Somehow we found it here

We found us a home

We are, we are

Not your ordinary fami-mily

But we can all agree that

We are, we are

Close as close can be

So it don't matter what it looks like

We look perfect to me

We got every kind of love

I feel so lucky indeed

They can keep on talking

It don't matter to me cause

We are, we are family


(We are)

We are, we are family

