【收藏】洁净管道清洗、钝化规程 (中英文)

Sanitary Pipe Cleaning and Passivation Specifications





Intents: Through this procedure and sterilization procedure, the sanitary pipes can conform to the requirements of transporting PW, WFI, pure steam and other materials.


Alkali cleaning: remove the grease, mess and other organism from the inner piping wall


Pickling: remove the burr and welding bulge from the welding seam of the inner piping wall


Passivation: level or passivate the bulge and spine on the inner piping wall


Requirement: the passivated and pickled sanitary pipes don’t make recontamination to the transporting media after sterilization.



(1)、原理:通过强酸(一般为 HNO3)对金属的强氧化性、强腐蚀性对管路进行酸洗、 钝化。

Principle: pickle and passivate the pipes through strong oxidation and corrosion of strong acid (generally HNO3) to metal


Compounding method; (for details, see the attached form)

①、碱洗:10%的 NaOH(浓度为 98%)和 90%的纯水的碱溶液对管路循环冲洗。

Alkali cleaning: circularly flush the loop with alkali solution of 10% NaOH (concentration:98%)and 90% PW

②、酸洗:50%的酸[其中 HNO3(浓度为 65%~68%)占 75%,HF(浓度为 40%)占 25%] 和 50%的纯水的酸溶液对管路循环冲洗。

Pickling: circularly flush the loop with acid solution of 50% acid [among it 75% is HNO3(concentration between 65%~68%)and 25% is HF(concentration 40%)] and 50% PW.

③、钝化:20%的 HNO3(浓度为 65%~68%)和 80%的纯水的酸溶液对管路循环冲洗。

Passivation: circularly flush the loop with acid solution of 20% HNO3 (concentration 65%~68%)and 80% PW



(1)、材料准备:事先应先按管路的长度和容器的容积计算出所需酸碱的容积,然后 根据配制比例,准备好所需的酸碱量。

Material preparation: calculate in advance the acid and alkali needed according to the piping length and container capacity. Prepare certain needed quantities of acid and alkali according to the compounding proportion.

若无处理排放酸的设施,最好应增加用于中和酸的 NaOH。

Use NaOH to neutralize the acid if no facilities are available for disposing of and discharging the acid.


Acid in bucket is preferred. Industry purity is enough.


Alkali tablets in bag are acceptable. Industry purity is enough.


Preparation of dosing and inspecting tools: vessels with scales are preferred for pickling and passivation because it’s convenient to measure the solution volume (weight).


Steelyard and spring balance can be used to weigh the solid alkali.


Thermometer, pressure gauge, test paper, etc.


Preparation of safety apparatus: safety helmet, antacid gloves, antacid veil, antacid apron and other labor protection apparatus.

为防止酸、碱溅到人体、皮肤上,最好应准备部分醋酸和小苏打(NaHCO3)溶液和 干纱布。同时还应准备创口贴、白药、脱脂纱布、胶布等常用药品。

Prepare some acetic acid, saleratus (NaHCO3)solution and dry gauze to prevent acid and alkali spattering to human body and skins. Prepare some common drugs as well, such as wound protector, Baiyao, degreased gauze, rubberized cloth,


(4)、设备的准备:耐酸碱循环泵,阀门、耐酸碱的橡胶软管,喉箍,铅丝,盲板、 垫片、卡箍、卡箍长接头,以及用于封堵拆除仪表后的接口堵头。

Equipment preparation: acid and alkali resistant pump, valve, acid and alkali resistant rubber hose, lead thread, blind plate, gasket, clamp, clamp liner long and joint block for sealing after the gauges are removed.


Argon Arc Weld Machine, power supply line, argon, safety veil and welding rod, etc

(5)、其它工具的准备:扳手、手虎钳、螺丝刀、电笔、手电筒、耐酸的搅拌棒、水 桶等。

Other tool preparation: spanner, pliers, screwdriver, electroprobe, electric torch, acid resistant muddler, bucket, etc.

若检查部位较多,如多层建筑;或制水间离用水点距离较远,应配备对讲机,以 便即时通知,更好的协调工作。

If the locations needing check are too many, like multi-layer building, or the water generation room is too far away from points of using, interphones should be used for timely notification and better communications.


All the above materials, equipments and tools are perfect and can be put into use directly.


Operation process


Water flushing

用纯水经循环泵对管路进行循环冲洗,边冲洗,边排放。时间不得低于 20 分钟。

Purified water circularly flushes the loop through circulating pump. Drain the water at the same time it is flushing. Duration should be no less than 20 minutes.


Preparation for alkali cleaning


Firstly connect the alkali solution vessel with circulating pump and piping system by a hose between the vessel and pipe end. After confirming the vessel and connection are tight and have no leaks, infuse stated quantities of PW

into the vessel. Then slowly put in stated quantities of solid alkali and mix them equally with a mix rod. Connect power supply for the pump, turn off the switch, and get ready for alkali washing.


Mixing person shall wear acid and alkali resistant veil in order not to bring damages to personnel.


The alkali solution vessel shall be in good conditions and have no leakages.

The joint should be well connected.


Alkali cleaning

合上控制开关,用循环泵抽碱溶液进管路系统,对管路循环冲洗,时间大约为 30 分 钟。在碱洗过程中,应有专人检查(检查方法:用试纸与焊点处接触,若无变色则说明无泄露)每一焊点,发现漏点,应立即通知看泵人员停泵,并在漏点附近的用水点

放空碱液,并对漏点进行补焊等相关处理。处理后方可继续进行碱洗,对流到地面、 吊顶上的碱液应用干布擦拭干净。

Switch on the controller and flush the piping loop with alkali solution through circulating pump for about 30 minutes. During this period, there shall be person specially in charge of checking (method: contact the welding point with

test paper. No discoloration means no leak) each welding point. If any leaking point is found, notify the pump monitoring person to stop the pump immediately,

drain the alkali solution at the using points nearby the leaking point, and process certain treatment like rewelding to the leaking point. Until after treatment can alkali cleaning continue, wipe off the alkali solution water

flowed on the floor or suspended ceiling with dry cloth.


Water flushing


Purified water circularly flushes the loop through circulating pump. Drain the water at the same time it is flushing until the draining water is neutral.


Use a vessel in addition to store the circulated alkali solution so that it can be drained after neutralization with acid.


Preparation for pickling

先将装酸的容器与循环泵及管路系统连接起来,在末端接上软管至酸溶液容器,并保证连接和容器严密不漏。确认后先向容器中放入已计算好用量的纯水,再慢慢放入已 计算好用量的酸。并用搅拌棒充分搅拌均匀。接通水泵电源,断开控制开关,准备试压。

First connect the acid solution vessel with circulating pump and piping system by a hose connecting the vessel and pipe end. After confirming the vessel and connection are tight and have no leakages, pour stated quantities of PW into

the vessel. Then slowly put in stated quantities of acid and mix them equally with a mix rod. Connect power supply for the pump, turn off the switch, and get ready for pickling.


Mixing person shall wear acid and alkali resistant veil in order not to bring damages to personnel.

装酸的容器应完好,无任何渗漏,与管道接口处连接良好。如可能也可将容器放到室 外。

The acid solution vessel shall be in good conditions and have no leakages.

The joint shall be well connected. Laying the vessel outdoor is acceptable.


If vessel leaks, flush the leaking point ceaselessly with clear water until pickling accomplished.



合上控制开关,用循环泵抽酸溶液进管路系统,对管路循环冲洗,时间大约为 60 分 钟。在酸洗过程中,应有专人检查(检查方法:用试纸与焊点处接触,若无变色则说 明无泄露)每一焊点,发现漏点,应立即通知看泵人员停泵,并在漏点附近的用水点放空酸液后,用胶带纸缠绕包扎漏点,并在漏点下方放上水桶,以便接住流出的酸液 (若无法用桶接水,应在漏点下方垫上浸过稀碱液的抹布)。将循环泵接通纯水对管 路进行水冲洗,待管路系统中的酸液全部排放后,方可对漏点进行补焊等相关处理。

处理后方可继续进行酸洗,对流到地面、吊顶上的酸液应用干布擦拭干净,对流到缝 隙处的酸,应用稀碱液进行中和后,在用干布擦净。

Switch on the controller and flush the piping loop with acid solution through circulating pump for about 60 minutes. During this period, there shall be person specially in charge of checking (method: contact the welding point with

test paper. No discoloration means no leakage) each welding point. If any leaking point is found, notify the pump monitoring person to stop the pump immediately. After draining the acid solution at the using points nearby the

leaking point, rotate bandage around the leaking point and put a bucket under the leaking point to collect the leaking acid solution (if bucket is not available, replace it with weak alkali solution soaked duster cloth). Switch on the circulating pump and flush the loop with PW. Process certain treatment like rewelding on the leaking point until all the acid solution is drained from the loop. Only after treatment could pickling continue, wipe off the acid solution water flowed on the ground or suspended ceiling with dry cloth. To

the acid flowing to the cracks, neutralize them with weak alkali solution

before wiping them off.


Water Flushing


Purified water circularly flushes the loop through circulating pump. Drain the water at the same time it is flushing until the draining water is neutral.


Preparation for Passivation

先将装酸的容器与循环泵及管路系统连接起来,在末端接上软管至酸溶液容器,并保 证连接和容器严密不漏。确认后先向容器中放入已计算好用量的纯水,再慢慢放入已 计算好用量的酸。并用搅拌棒充分搅拌均匀。接通水泵电源,断开控制开关,准备试压。

First connect the acid solution vessel with circulating pump and piping system by a hose connecting the vessel of acid solution and pipe end. After confirming the vessel and connection are tight and have no leakages, pour stated

quantities of PW into the vessel. Then slowly put in stated quantities of acid and mix them equally with a mix rod. Connect power supply to the pump, turn off the switch, and get ready for pickling.



合上控制开关,用循环泵抽酸溶液进管路系统,对管路循环冲洗,时间大约为 120 分 钟。在钝化过程中,应有专人检查(检查方法:用试纸与焊点处接触,若无变色则说 明无泄露)每一焊点,发现漏点,应立即通知看泵人员停泵,并在漏点附近的用水点放空酸液后,用胶带纸缠绕包扎漏点,并在漏点下方放上水桶,以便接住流出的酸液 (若无法用桶接水,应在漏点下方垫上浸过稀碱液的抹布)。将循环泵接通纯水对管 路进行水冲洗,待管路系统中的酸液全部排放后,方可对漏点进行补焊等相关处理。

处理后方可继续进行钝化,对流到地面、吊顶上的酸液应用干布擦拭干净,对流到缝 隙处的酸,应用稀碱液进行中和后,在用干布擦净。

Switch on the controller and flush the piping loop with acid solution through circulating pump for about 120 minutes. During this period, there shall be person specially in charge of checking (method: contact the welding point with test paper. No discoloration means no leakage) each welding point. If any leaking point is found, notify the pump monitoring person to stop the pump immediately. After draining the acid solution at the using points nearby the leaking point, rotate bandage around the leaking point and put a bucket under the leaking point to collect the leaking acid solution (if bucket is not available, replace it with weak alkali solution soaked duster cloth). Switch on the circulating pump and flush the loop with PW. Process certain treatment like rewelding to the leaking point until all the acid solution is drained from the loop. Only after treatment could pickling continue, wipe off the acid solution water flowed on the ground or suspended ceiling with dry cloth. To the acid flowing to the cracks, neutralize them with weak alkali solution before wiping them off.


Water Flushing


Purified water circularly flushes the loop through circulating pump. Drain the water at the same time it is flushing until the draining water is neutral.


Wastewater discharge


Neutralize the waste acid and alkali to neutralization or almost neutralization prior to discharge unless they are treated in other ways.


Points need to pay attention to

(1)、碱洗、酸洗、钝化时每个检查人员应以高度的责任心仔细检查每一焊点,坚决 不放过每一个可能漏点。

When alkali cleaning, pickling and passivation are carried out, each inspector shall check each welded point with high responsibility and do not let pass each possible leaking point.

(2)、试压、碱洗、酸洗、钝化时每个检查人员都应带好水桶、抹布和试纸等物;碱 洗、酸洗、钝化时还应带好耐酸手套、防酸面罩等防护用品,吊顶内检查人员还应戴 好安全帽,带上照明器材,保证检查时有足够的照度。

When operating pressure test, alkali cleaning, pickling and passivation, each inspector shall bring bucket, duster cloth and test paper; safety apparatus shall be put on such as antacid gloves and antacid veil when operating alkali

cleaning, pickling and passivation. Inspectors on the suspended ceiling shall wear safety helmet and bring lighting facilities to ensure enough light.


Safety points


Personnel Safety


Alkali and acid compounding personnel, inspector and relative person shall wear antacid gloves, antacid veil and antacid uniform.


Protect human safety firstly once accident happens.


If alkali spatters on skin, wipe it off immediately by dry cloth, paint acetic acid on the spattered area for a while, then clean it by clean water.


If acid spatters on skin, wipe it off by dry cloth immediately, paint saleratus on the spattered area for a while, then clean it by clean water.

⑤、严禁直接用手或其它裸露皮肤直接接触酸液、碱液,用抹布擦拭酸碱液时必须带 好防酸手套和防酸面罩。

Touching the alkali and acid directly with hands or other exposed skin is strictly forbidden. Wear the antacid gloves and antacid veil while wiping the acid and alkali solution with duster cloth.

⑥、配制酸碱溶液时,应缓慢地将碱、酸沿容器壁流进水中,严禁直接将酸碱溶液倒 入水中,以防溅起酸碱液。特别严禁将碱(或酸)直接倒入酸(或碱)中。

Slowly pour the alkali and acid and let it flow to the water along the inner wall while compounding the alkali or acid solution. Directly pour the acid or alkali into water is forbidden for preventing spatter any solution.

Especially forbid pouring alkali (or acid) directly into acid (or alkali).


Other safety measures

①、对可能溅落到酸碱液的设备、管道、仪表、地面、墙面、吊顶、隔断应尽可能事 先用塑料纸包扎保护,对设备、管道上的仪表也可事先拆除。

If possible, the equipment, pipes, instruments, floor, wall, suspended ceiling and obstruct that may be spattered with acid or alkali solution shall be protected in advance by plastic paper. The instruments attached to equipment

and pipes can be removed in advance as well.

②、发生酸液流出时应尽可能保护所有设备、管道、建筑物及装饰制品(如地面、墙 面和吊顶等),如不能全部保护时,应根据设备、管道、建筑物及装饰制品的重要性、 价值、修复成本等综合考虑,有所取舍,保护重点。

Protect all the equipment, pipes, architectures, and decoration elements (such as floor, wall and suspended ceiling as much as possible once leakage happens.

If it’s impossible to protect them all, make a choice and protect the important ones according to integral considerations concerning the importance, value,

repair costs, etc. of equipment, pipes, architectures and decoration elements.

③、对流到吊顶、缝隙处的酸液,应先用干布擦净,然后再用少量稀释过的碱液倒在 该处,以中和可能剩余的酸液,防止以后慢慢腐蚀吊顶板和支、吊、托架。

If any acid solution flows to the suspended ceiling or cracks, wipe it off with dry cloth and pour a little diluted alkali solution to neutralize possible acid solution left and prevent further corrosion to suspended ceiling deck,

bracket and support.




Record every leaking point such as position and size of the pipes that need pickling and passivation. Analyze possible reasons for improvement in further works.

2、酸洗钝化完成后,应即时将酸洗钝化资料填写完成,并交业主或业主代表签字确 认。

After accomplishing pickling and passivation, timely write down relative data for signature of the owner or his representative.





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