
在之前的医学英语栏目中我们学习了神经系统的一些基础词汇,包括神经系统解剖以及卒中、癫痫等两大常见疾病的相关内容。现在我们通过几个usmle step1中的病例题来在应用当中复习一下。

A 52-year-old female complains of sudden visual abnormalities. Her history reveals a 30 pack-year (pack-year is a quantification of cigarette smoking,It is calculated by multiplying the number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day by the number of years the person has smoked. )history of smoking, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. A head CT shows a lesion in the right occipital lobe and an angiogram reveals an embolic stroke of the right posterior cerebral artery. What type of visual deficit is she most likely experiencing?

A. Bitemporal hemianopia

B. Central scotoma

C. Left homonymous hemianopia

D. Left superior quadrantanopia

E. Right homonymous hemianopia

F. Right superior quadrantanopia

G. Total left eye blindness

H. Total right eye blindness


The correct answer is C. The posterior cerebral arteries supply the cortical surfaces of the occipital and medial temporal lobes. Damage to one occipital lobe (e.g., by trauma or by ischemia/infarction due to stroke) usually produces a contralateral homonymous hemianopia. Occlusion of the right posterior cerebral artery would therefore result in a left homonymous hemianopia;blindness in the left half of the visual field in both eyes. In addition, involvement of the medial temporal lobe might give rise to peduncular hallucinosis;visual illusions or elementary (unformed) hallucinations. Bilateral lesions would cause "cortical" blindness, which does not affect the pupillary reflexes.

Bitemporal hemianopia (choice A) is a loss of vision in the temporal quadrants of the visual field. (It is also  termed heteronymous hemianopia). This occurs in lesions of the optic chiasm, which may occur with pituitary  tumors.

Central scotoma (choice B) is a loss of vision in the center of the visual field, with preservation of the peripheral fields. It is associated with optic neuritis, a common complication of multiple sclerosis.

Superior quadrantanopia (choices D and F) is caused by lesions in the upper portion of the contralateral temporal lobe.

Right homonymous hemianopia (choice E) would result from left posterior cerebral artery occlusion. Total blindness in one eye (choices G and H) occurs when its optic nerve is severed.












