
Off the Great Wall 是一个我很喜欢的YouTube频道,由多名华裔一起创建的,主要是以轻松有趣的视频方式介绍一些亚洲文化。

每逢佳节学点英文: 今天和你分享几个视频,分别有关「嫦娥的传说」「玉兔的故事」 「月饼指南」

The Story of Chang-E


Story of the Jade Rabbit of the Moon


In some stories, cows jump over the moon. In China, rabbits get that claim to fame -- specifically the Jade Rabbit, who lives on the moon with the goddess Chang'e according to Chinese folklore.

A Guide to Mooncakes


People have their griefs and joys, their togetheness and separation; the moon has its dark and clear times, its waxing and wanings.

Situations are never ideal since long ago.

I only hope we two may have long long lives, so that we may share the moon's beauty even though we are a three hundred miles apart.

