作者 | David Ward编辑 | Jane出品 | 帮宁工作室(gbngzs)| 编者按2021年10月26日,中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司(中汽中心)将在天津举办C-NCAP 15周年纪念活动。届时,一本记录C-NCAP 15周年发展历程的新书《汽车安全的中国实践》将发布。该书由帮宁工作室创始人葛帮宁编著,中国工人出版社出版。今天刊发的文章为该书序二。敬请关注。我谨代表零愿景基金会(Towards Zero Foundation)和全球新车评价规程(Global NCAP),诚挚祝贺中国新车评价规程(C-NCAP)成立15周年。过去15年,C-NCAP取得了巨大进步,为推动中国汽车安全提升作出重要贡献。在“联合国道路安全十年行动(2011-2021)”期间,我们很荣幸成为中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司(CATARC)的合作伙伴,期待在下一个10年开展更多合作。过去15年,车辆安全性能提升有目共睹。正面和侧面碰撞测试标准在全球范围内应用,极大地提升了车辆的耐撞性。电子稳定控制系统(ESC)的广泛应用,减少了交通事故的发生。车辆安全的制胜法宝,一方面是监管力度不断加大,另一方面是消费者对最佳可用安全技术的需求升级。新车评价规程(NCAP) 率先在独立评级系统中实施严格的测试要求,这有助于促进消费意识的提升,并为全球更安全的车辆创造良好的市场环境。中国也走过了相似的发展路径。自2006 年创建以来,C-NCAP遵循持续提升的理念,如今已成长为全球最先进的NCAP之一。目前,C-NCAP测试项目涵盖严格的主动安全、被动安全以及行人保护测试。它要求汽车制造商生产符合更高标准要求的产品,成为改善中国道路安全的重要催化剂。鉴于中国汽车工业在全球的重要性,C-NCAP取得的成果不仅让中国消费者广为受益,也在世界范围内发挥着至关重要的作用。一直以来,我们不断深化与C-NCAP的专业合作。2014年,Global NCAP在天津举行年会,并荣幸力邀英国肯特郡迈克尔亲王亲临出席。2017年,我们再次与C-NCAP合作,在上海举办“零事故 零死亡”(Stop the Crash)主题会议,会上,多家汽车企业承诺将ESC作为标配,首开行业先河。同时,我们也很高兴参加由中汽中心主办的一系列活动,例如十年行动峰会,大会汇聚了众多对促进中国道路安全有着共同愿景的合作伙伴。在规程创新方面,中汽中心汽车测评管理中心自建立以来,不断探索更加贴合中国交通实际,满足中国消费需求的新框架,也对NCAP体系带来诸多启发。去年,联合国大会授权开启第二个“道路安全行动十年(2021-2030)”,其新目标是将全球道路伤亡人数减半。2020年2月于瑞典斯德哥尔摩举行的第三届全球道路安全部长级会议确立了“50 by 30”目标。为实现这一伟大且可实现的目标,车辆安全水准进一步提升至关重要。我们预计,随着全球经济从新冠肺炎疫情中逐渐复苏,汽车产销将迎来更强劲的复苏。预计到2030年,将有10亿辆新机动车辆投入市场。为确保所有车辆尽可能地安全并配备最佳技术,我们任重道远。作为下一阶段的愿景,我们将致力于推动装配救生技术,如电子稳定控制器(ESC)、自动紧急制动 (AEB)、智能速度辅助 (ISA)、防抱死制动 (ABS) 和机动两轮车 (PTW)自动大灯开启 (AHO)。2021年下半年,Global NCAP将发布2030车辆安全路线图,上述项目将成为重要内容,助力实现“联合国道路安全十年行动”目标。我们认为,在推动汽车安全方面,G20中领先的工业化国家肩负更为重大的使命。他们占所有汽车产量的85%以上,如果这些国家贯彻联合国所有重要的相关标准,全球汽车将变得更加安全。得益于规模效应,大体量市场将降低成本,进而让各地消费者都从中受益。中国作为世界上最大的汽车制造商和G20的主要成员,将在推动汽车安全发展的进程中发挥引领作用。面对新的联合国十年行动,我们信心十足。面向未来,我们将与中汽中心和C-NCAP共同携手探索更多可能。此刻,我十分期待将于2022年在天津启幕的下一届全球NCAP世界大会。我们将围绕2030年安全车辆路线图,为实现共同目标开启全新征程。(零愿景基金会TZF总裁兼全球NCAP主席)2021年8月C-NCAP 15th Anniversary Message from David Ward, President TZF and Global NCAPOn behalf of the Towards Zero Foundation (TZF) and Global New Car Assessment Programme (Global NCAP) I would like to offer our warm congratulations to China New Car Assessment Programme (C-NCAP) on reaching your 15th anniversary. Over the last decade and a half you have made great progress and contributed to making cars much safer in China. We have been proud to be a partner of China Automotive Testing and Research Centre (CATARC) during the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2021 and look forward to more cooperation in the new Decade of Action to 2030.Over the last fifteen years we have seen significant improvements in vehicle safety. Global application of front and side crash test standards have led to huge gains in crashworthiness.Increased fitment of electronic stability control (ESC) has also promoted the benefits of crash avoidance. The winning formula for vehicle safety has been the combination of regulation and increased consumer demand for vehicles equipped with the best available safety technologies. The NCAP community has pioneered this progress by including stringent test requirements in our independent rating systems. This has driven consumer awareness and built a market for safer vehicles worldwide.China has followed a similar successful path. Since its creation in 2006 C-NCAP followed a philosophy of continuous improvement so that today it is among the most advanced NCAPs in the world. Your test requirements now include advanced active and passive safety and pedestrian protection. This has encouraged manufacturers to exceed minimum regulatory requirements and act as an important catalyst for improved road safety in China. Your achievements benefit Chinese consumers but are also important worldwide given the global importance of China's automobile industry.Since 2006 we have very much enjoyed working closely with C-NCAP. In 2014 Global NCAP was delighted to hold its Annual Meeting at CATARC in Tianjin in the presence of our patron His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent. Then in 2017 we again partnered with C-NCAP in hosting a meeting of the Stop the Crash Partnership in Shanghai. This resulted in an historic industry voluntary commitment to promote ESC. We have also been pleased to participate in a series of Decade of Action Summits hosted by CATARC which have brought together partners with a shared interest in promoting road safety in China. Global NCAP is also impressed by the establishment of the new Automotive Test & Assessment Management Centre. It provides a new framework for independent evaluation of both the safety and environmental performance of new models to meet the needs of Chinese consumers.Last year the UN General Assembly mandated a 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021-2030) with a new target to halve road deaths and injuries. This followed the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety held in Stockholm, Sweden in February 2020 which also endorsed the '50by30' target. To achieve this ambitious but achievable goal we know that further progress in vehicle safety will be essential. We expect that as the world economy finally recovers from the COVID pandemic there will be strong resurgence in vehicle sales and production. It is likely that by 2030 another billion new motor vehicles will join the global fleet. We must ensure that all these vehicles are as safe as possible and equipped with best available technologies.That is why in the decade ahead we want to see accelerated fitment of life saving technologies such as ESC, autonomous emergency braking (AEB) , intelligent speed assistance (ISA) , anti-lock brakes (ABS) and automatic headlights on (AHO) for all powered two wheelers (PTWs) . Later this year Global NCAP will publish a 2030 RoadMap for Vehicle Safety that will highlight the important contribution that ESC, AEB, ISA, ABS and AHO (for PTWs) can make in meeting the new UN target to halve road deaths in ten years.We also believe that the G20 leading industrialized countries have a special responsibility to act on vehicle safety. They account for over 85% of all motor vehicle production. So if the G20 collectively adopted all the UN's most important safety standards the entire global fleet would become much safer. Global harmonization on this scale would reduce costs and make safety affordable for consumers everywhere. China, as the world's largest motor vehicle manufacturer and leading member of the G20, has a great opportunity to spearhead this drive for safer vehicles.We are, therefore, excited by the possibilities of a new UN Decade of Action and further cooperation with our friends and partners at CATRAC and C-NCAP. We very much look forward to co-hosting the next Global NCAP World Congress in Tianjin in 2022. This important meeting will feature our 2030 Road Map for Safer Vehicles and be another great opportunity to promote our shared goal of making roads safe worldwide.Congratulations and all the best for the next 15 years!