






2. 企业资源计划(ERP)和人力资本管理(HCM)进入云端,成为人才市场自我创新的驱动力。






5. 企业学习的创新已经到来。








嵌入式分析(Embedded analytics)——增长最快的人力分析领域是嵌入式分析,可以根据需要分析相关含义,而不必生成完整报告。







Deloitte Report: 10 disruptions in the HR technology market likely to transform the overall landscape in 2018

A proliferation of digital technologies, a younger and multigenerational workforce, continuous performance management and team-centric organizational design have fundamentally changed how work gets done at organizations, demanding a new set of HR software tools and platform features.

According to a new report by Deloitte's Bersin, "HR Technology Disruptions: The HR Tech Market Reinvents Itself," more than 75 percent of organizations are well on their way to reinventing the performance management process in their organizations. In addition, many organizations are increasingly restructuring themselves into networks of teams, a concept Deloitte's Bersin research has dubbed "the Organization of the Future," and 88 percent of companies indicate the transition to this structure is a top priority.

Many HR software companies are responding to the changing market dynamic of evolving organizational structures by developing technologies to support these changes. In fact, venture capitalists have put $5.5 billion into HR and workforce management technology providers since 2014, Bersin found.

Deloitte's Bersin has identified 10 disruptions in the HR technology market likely to transform the overall landscape:

1.New focus on tools for workforce productivity

These mobile-enabled tools resemble social networking platforms, letting employees post pictures and create groups and alerts, and are designed to facilitate team-based communication in ways email can’t.

2. ERP and HCM move to the cloud as the talent market reinvents itself 

Talent management is being redefined as part of a new category we call “team management.” These tools do not behave like talent or people management systems because they are designed with the team at the center. Another emerging subcategory likely to grow rapidly is gig- or project-based work management systems.

3.Continuous performance management has arrived

Companies are now looking for tools that adapt as people move from project to project and team to team, and make employee-manager interactions simpler. Some of the leading tools are designed by game designers, making them easy to use, agile, and data-driven.

4.Explosion of feedback, pulse survey & analytics tools 

To maintain a positive employee experience, organizations will need a set of tools that facilitates continuous listening—and goes beyond annual surveys. This part of the market overlaps with employee wellbeing, creating more disruption as these platforms begin to collect data on everything from employee location to mobility and heart rate.

5.Reinvention of corporate learning is here 

The corporate learning market is experiencing tremendous growth, and there is a need to reskill and develop employees as the future of work marches forward. Virtual and augmented reality are also evolving quickly and will create changes in the learning and performance support markets.

6.Recruiting market is rapidly changing 

Hiring people is the most important thing companies do. Many companies are increasing their investment in video assessment, the fastest-growing new area of spending in talent acquisition.

7.Wellbeing market is exploding 

Today’s wellness industry has rapidly shifted its focus from accident and insurance cost reduction to “wellbeing.” The HR technology market contains dozens of tools and systems designed to measure, monitor, and improve wellbeing at work. Vendors will bring new offerings to market, including technology platforms, self-assessments, coaching programs, biometrics, and end-to-end healthcare solutions.

8. People analytics market has grown and matured 

People analytics is now a must-have within HR and business. Three crucial areas to pay attention to are:

Embedded analytics The fastest-growing analytics spending area is embedded analytics—meaning analyses are available as needed without having to generate reports.

AI Vendors will become intelligence providers, rather than merely analytics providers. Most major application providers are working to deliver pattern-recognition, algorithm refinement, machine learning, and natural language processing.

ONA Organizational network analysis technology captures data from emails, feedback activities, and other sources to understand how people are communicating. It identifies workflow patterns, bottlenecks, and roles.

9. Intelligent self-service, communications & employee experience tools 

Self-service platforms allow employees to get questions answered, submit transactions, and find information, without human assistance. These emerging technologies use cognitive, conversational, intelligent systems—similar to voice-recognition software already in wide use—to simplify HR transactions.

10.HR departments are becoming digital & innovative Innovation is now coming from HR functions themselves. 

HR departments are thinking more creatively, asking more questions, and pushing vendors to adapt to new management models by demanding solutions that are more team-centric, intelligent, and easy to use.


