
我们学徒时、一直秉承师傅的糕点糕饼之香要从发酵中来、要从稻香焙艺原麦之香、自然麦香、发面麦香、老面麦香;而非香精香粉浓妆妖艳。最近看大陆市场大师们纷纷软欧热、欧包热、法包热,看其配方上写:蛋奶香精、奶酪香精、水果香精...我想、如果让吃了几百年面包的欧洲师傅,看到如此多香精构建的欧包、洋人肯定要问:O God!这是面包吗?这是软欧吗?这是欧包吗?O God!溯源味道-麦香原味,乃自然之香;烘焙之魂、匠心原味,才是接地气;香精、画龙点睛用之;若追求原麦稻香发酵面香味道,尽可弃之。
一部发酵史。千年前的尼罗河文明小麦丰腴之后,刀耕火种、便衍生了焙烤之炊-麦香面包。去到埃及、可以在古城墙看到人类雏形,刀耕火种时代的烤面包的图腾;我国汉代记载:炊之为饼(发酵一词最早溯源)。中国的馒头与埃及的面包属于孪生姐妹,不同的是一个蒸、一个烤。几千年的人类发酵,一直以小麦作为主要粮食发酵炊饼-或蒸、或烤、或烧、或煮...面包作为人类新的食品,返璞归真于传统古法、探究、挖掘、改良、发酵最纯真的自然麦香,是未来的必然趋势。从尼罗河流淌出的发酵艺术,跨越伏尔加河、 多瑙河,科罗拉多河,又弥漫回到长江、黄河...只是、人类的焙烤发酵艺术,从来就不曾遥远!
Stay on fermentation:
Coffee, wine, tea, beer, cheese, yogurt, baking and food fermentation industry, such as the ultimate pursuit of flavor or natural fragrance. Across history, human is a history of fermentation. One thousand years ago in the Nile civilization after wheat well-developed, plantation, was derived for cooking - stay of baked bread. Go to Egypt, can see human embryo in the ancient city walls, the totem of the era of slash-and-burn toast; The han dynasty recorded: cook the bread for the earliest source (fermentation). Chinese steamed bread and the bread of Egypt belong to the twins, the difference is a steaming, baking. Thousands of years of human fermentation, has been to wheat as the main food fermentation for cooking bread - or steamed or baked or burning, or cooking... New food bread as human beings, to comfort, exploration, mining, improvement, traditional fermentation is the most pure natural stay, is the inevitable trend of the future. From the Nile flowed out of the fermentation of art, across the volga river, the Danube, the Colorado river, and diffuse back to the Yangtze river and Yellow River... Just, baked fermentation of human art, never far away! {} Mr. Du manuscript