奥地利画家弗里德里希·冯·阿默林(Friedrich von Amerling,1803-1887年)

奥地利画家弗里德里希·冯·阿默林(Friedrich von Amerling,1803-1887年)

奥地利画家弗里德里希·冯·阿默林(Friedrich von Amerling,1803-1887年)图片来源于:互联网

The Young Eastern Woman

Mutter Und KindenOil on canvas laid down on pan

Studie zu Einer LautenspielerinStudy of a LutanistOil on canvas

The Young Girl with the Straw Hat1835Oil on canvasSammlungen des Fursten von Liechtenstein | Wien | Austria

In Traumen VersunkenOil on canvas

Rudolf von Arthaber with his ChildrenOil on canvassterreichische Galerie | Wien | Austria

The OrientalOil on canvas

Emperor Franz I of Austria in his Coronation Robes1832Oil on canvas

Portrait of Count István Széchenyi1836Oil on canvasHungarian National Gallery | 1014 Budapest | Hungary

Countess Nákó1855Oil on canvasMuseum of Fine Arts | Budapest | Hungary

Portrait of the actor Bogumil Dawson as Richard IIIOil On Canvas

The Armed MaidenOil On Canvas

