The Unknown Olympics 今年有奥运会?我怎么不知道?
The European Cup in France is in full swing. Take a look at the calendar, the Rio Olympic Games is around the corner. However, none of my friends talk about it. In 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games had rocked all over the world with its spectacular and splendid lineup. Up to now, all Chinese are still proud of that. However, the 2012 London Olympic Games weakened with so many mistakes. Compared with Rio Olympic Games, the London’s might be considered as a successful one. As the days approaching, Rio’s is just to expose its elbows which is hardly disappeared from the public.
Your privilege!!!
Where did the fifth ring go?
The London should be badly beaten up together by the Chinese and the Japanese!!!
Thus, there is not the worst but the worse. Maybe the worse is without limitations.
Today, let’s give full vent to the worst Rio Olympic Games for its omissions!
1. Because of no money, venues and transportation infrastructure are still in construction.
As one of the BRICs, the present Brazil is just the old news. Being influenced by the outer negative economic conditions and its own structural problems, Brazil’s economy is in the worst recession in nearly 25 years. What’s worse, the increased political instability and variables exacerbated the unfavorable economic conditions. But Brazil is too mean to do infrastructure construction for Olympic Games that the promised venues and infrastructure construction turn into bubbles. Choose some words from a Chinese singer for Rio Olympic Games!
1. 场馆修不起,交通基础设施待建中----没钱没钱
“全都是泡沫,只一刹的花火。你所有承诺 ,全部都太脆弱。”--致里约奥运会!
2. No safeguard for watching games in Rio for its unstable political situation—you may lose your life.
I feel considerably worried about the safety of the fans who go to Rio Olympic Games for such unstable political situation. At the meanwhile, the dangerous scenes of Fast and Furious come raid on my mind. Commonly, we just spend money to watch common games, but the Rio Olympic Games costs one’s life. I’m of little courage to join in the fun.
2. 政局不稳,巴西观赛没保障----有钱没命花
3. the Unpopular Tickets---the Ice Games
At present, the Rio Olympic Organizing Committee announced the tickets selling amounts to the public, the amount of 7.5 million tickets just sold out one half, but the amount of Paralympic Games was worse with only 12 per of the total. It was said that Brazil meant to make money to boost its economy with the tickets and it is shamed by the present situation.
3. 门票卖不出去----冷场的比赛
4. Mascot Juma was killed before the opening—What’s the hell?
According to the latest news, Mascot Juma was killed by a solider during the torch relay of Rio Olympic Games on June when trying to free from the chains. Nevertheless, the Juma was considered as the mascot of the Brazilian team. How cruel and rude they are! I don’t want to talk any more!!!
4. 吉祥物猎豹Juma被杀---这是神马鬼
5. All are at risk because of Zika Virus.
One year ago, Zika Virus broke out in Brazil which led to 1400 cases of babies’ microcephaly. Up to now, Zika Virus is still spreading to over 60 countries and territories. World Health Organization has already declaimed that the Zika Virus has turned to the global public health emergency and made suggestions that the pregnant women should avoid visiting the Rio Olympic Games and the tourists should take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. I just try to shout to the Brazil mosquitos—why are you so so so poisonous?
5. 寨卡病毒岌岌可危
6. Water pollution
Water pollution is always the major concern for Brazil. Living sewage is discharged into streams and rivers at will. But the rivers are the water source for competition ground. One domestic athlete went to Brazil for training before hand, but she was prompted to get sick because of the pungent and repulsive smell from the sea. After entering into the city, she could come to life. After attending the games, the athletes’ career may come to the end on account of such water quality.
6. 水污染问题
7. General strike of Rio’s policemen for their unpaid wages—safety is not guaranteed.
As the Guardian reported that the Rio’s police strikes took place frequently and recently for their continuous unpaid wages. Some policemen even went on strike in the airport with the banner—Welcome to Hell, policemen and firefighters don’t get paid, whoever comes to Rio de Janeiro will not be safe. Some folk organizations appeal to the citizens donate for the police office with handkerchiefs, clips, pens and tissues. Some citizens complained about the donation with their paid taxes. Surprisingly, the advocators replied that if you are robbed to go to the police for help, but what could the policemen do without the needed papers and pens for recording your case.
7. 被拖欠工资里约警察大罢工----安保完全没保障
《Zero to One》涉及哲学、历史、经济等多元领域,解读世界运行的脉络,分享商业与未来发展的落实。该书将帮助我们思考从0到1的秘密,在意想不到之处发现价值与机会。
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