TE||How to tame the tech titans
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How to tame the tech titans
Competition in the digital age
The dominance of Google, Facebook and Amazon is bad for consumers and competition
NOT long ago, being the boss of a big Western tech firm was a dream job. As the billions rolled in, so did the plaudits: Google, Facebook, Amazon and others were making the world a better place. Today these companies are accused of being BAADD—big, anti-competitive, addictive and destructive to democracy. Regulators fine them, politicians grill them and one-time backers warn of their power to cause harm.
Much of this techlash is misguided. The presumption that big businesses must necessarily be wicked is plain wrong. Apple is to be admired as the world’s most valuable listed company for the simple reason that it makes things people want to buy, even while facing fierce competition. Many online services would be worse if their providers were smaller. Evidence for the link between smartphones and unhappiness is weak. Fake news is not only an online phenomenon.
Plain wrong: 完全错误
But big tech platforms, particularly Facebook, Google and Amazon, do indeed raise a worry about fair competition. That is partly because they often benefit from legal exemptions. Unlike publishers, Facebook and Google are rarely held responsible for what users do on them; and for years most American buyers on Amazon did not pay sales tax. Nor do the titans simply compete in a market. Increasingly, they are the market itself, providing the infrastructure (or “platforms”) for much of the digital economy. Many of their services appear to be free, but users “pay” for them by giving away their data. Powerful though they already are, their huge stockmarket valuations suggest that investors are counting on them to double or even triple in size in the next decade.
但是大型的技术平台确实引发人们对公平竞争的担忧,特别是像脸书,谷歌以及亚马逊一类的大企业。有一部分原因是这些企业很多时候都是“法律豁免”的受益者。与出版社不同的是,脸书和谷歌很少需要对其用户在平台上的所作所为负责。多年来,亚马逊上的多数美国买家都没有支付过消费税。这些巨头不单单在市场上竞争,他们也逐渐自成市场,为数字经济提供基础建设(或者是“平台”)。这些平台的服务看似免费,但用户所给出的个人数据其实就是在为这些服务买单。 纵使这些企业已经足够强大,但是它们巨大的股票市值表明,投资者正指望着在未来十年,这些企业的规模可以翻倍,甚至翻三倍。
There is thus a justified fear that the tech titans will use their power to protect and extend their dominance, to the detriment of consumers (see article). The tricky task for policymakers is to restrain them without unduly stifling innovation.
The less severe contest
The platforms have become so dominant because they benefit from “network effects”. Size begets size: the more sellers Amazon, say, can attract, the more buyers will shop there, which attracts more sellers, and so on. By some estimates, Amazon captures over 40% of online shopping in America. With more than 2bn monthly users, Facebook holds sway over the media industry. Firms cannot do without Google, which in some countries processes more than 90% of web searches. Facebook and Google control two-thirds of America’s online ad revenues.
America’s trustbusters have given tech giants the benefit of the doubt.They look for consumer harm, which is hard to establish when prices are falling and services are “free”. The firms themselves stress that a giant-killing startup is just a click away and that they could be toppled by a new technology, such as the blockchain. Before Google and Facebook, Alta Vista and MySpace were the bee’s knees. Who remembers them?
美国的反垄断者对科技巨头们采取了“疑罪从无”原则。他们需要寻找消费者利益受损的实际证据,而这样的证据在价格下降、服务“免费”的情况下很难找到。这些公司本身也强调,说不定就,一个具有巨大杀伤力的创业公司能在很短的时间内(点击鼠标的功夫)就把巨头们击垮,比如新出现的区块链技术。在谷歌和脸书之前,Alta Vista(远景)和MySpace(我的空间)都非常优秀。可现在谁还记得它们呢?
1.The benefit of the doubt疑罪从无,即在是否有罪存在疑问的情况下,按照无罪推定,比如有目击证人证明某人杀人,但该人不承认,也没有其他证据证明其实施犯罪,这个时候只能认定该人没有犯罪。
2.The bee’s knees:When bees flit from flower to flower the nectar sticks to their legs. The phrase "bee's knees" means sweet and good, because the knees of the bee are where all the sweet, good stuff is collected. 比较老的一个表达方式,在20世纪30年代常用。蜜蜂采蜜的时候,脚上都会沾染花粉,故膝盖上是最好的精华。
However, the barriers to entry are rising. Facebook not only owns the world’s largest pool of personal data, but also its biggest “social graph”—the list of its members and how they are connected. Amazon has more pricing information than any other firm. Voice assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant, will give them even more control over how people experience the internet. China’s tech firms have the heft to compete, but are not about to get unfettered access to Western consumers.
If this trend runs its course, consumers will suffer as the tech industry becomes less vibrant. Less money will go into startups, most good ideas will be bought up by the titans and, one way or another, the profits will be captured by the giants.
The early signs are already visible. The European Commission has accused Google of using control of Android, its mobile operating system, to give its own apps a leg up. Facebook keeps buying firms which could one day lure users away: first Instagram, then WhatsApp and most recently tbh, an app that lets teenagers send each other compliments anonymously. Although Amazon is still increasing competition in aggregate, as industries from groceries to television can attest, it can also spot rivals and squeeze them from the market.
The rivalry remedy
What to do? In the past, societies have tackled monopolies either by breaking them up, as with Standard Oil in 1911, or by regulating them as a public utility, as with AT&T; in 1913. Today both those approaches have big drawbacks. The traditional tools of utilities regulation, such as price controls and profit caps, are hard to apply, since most products are free and would come at a high price in forgone investment and innovation. Likewise, a full-scale break-up would cripple the platforms’ economies of scale, worsening the service they offer consumers. And even then, in all likelihood one of the Googlettes or Facebabies would eventually sweep all before it as the inexorable logic of network effects reasserted itself.
The lack of a simple solution deprives politicians of easy slogans, but does not leave trustbusters impotent. Two broad changes of thinking would go a long way towards sensibly taming the titans. The first is to make better use of existing competition law. Trustbusters should scrutinise mergers to gauge whether a deal is likely to neutralise a potential long-term threat, even if the target is small at the time. Such scrutiny might have prevented Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram and Google’s of Waze, which makes navigation software. To ensure that the platforms do not favour their own products, oversight groups could be set up to deliberate on complaints from rivals—a
bit like the independent “technical committee” created by the antitrust case against Microsoft in 2001. Immunity to content liability must go, too.
Second, trustbusters need to think afresh about how tech markets work. A central insight, one increasingly discussed among economists and regulators, is that personal data are the currency in which customers actually buy services. Through that prism, the tech titans receive valuable information—on their users’ behaviour, friends and purchasing habits—in return for their products. Just as America drew up sophisticated rules about intellectual property in the 19th century, so it needs a new set of laws to govern the ownership and exchange of data, with the aim of giving solid rights to individuals.
In essence this means giving people more control over their information. If a user so desires, key data should be made available in real time to other firms—as banks in Europe are now required to do with customers’ account information. Regulators could oblige platform firms to make anonymised bulk data available to competitors, in return for a fee, a bit like the compulsory licensing of a patent. Such data-sharing requirements could be calibrated to firms’ size: the bigger platforms are, the more they have to share. These mechanisms would turn data from something titans hoard, to suppress competition, into something users share, to foster innovation.
None of this will be simple, but it would tame the titans without wrecking the gains they have brought. Users would find it easier to switch between services. Upstart competitors would have access to some of the data that larger firms hold and thus be better equipped to grow to maturity without being gobbled up. And shareholders could no longer assume monopoly profits for decades to come.
Cyrus,男, 口译民工,经济学人爱好者
Wesley, 男,自由职业,经济学人爱好者
观点 |评论|思考
衍生一:华尔街日报:科技巨头那么强大 是否要开始反垄断?
广告科技公司Sonobi的创始人兼首席执行官Michael Connelly就说:“亚马逊用户基础庞大,是美国访问量第四大的网站。作为企业,他们成就了太多,广告主愿意光顾他们的平台是情理之中的事。他们不仅有机会取得进一步成功,甚至有机会在未来颠覆Facebook和谷歌的地位”。
这样的例子比比皆是:2017年,知名科技网站Mashable被出版业巨头Ziff Davis收购,售价仅5000万美元,远低于Mashable此前的估值2.5亿美元;Buzzfeed原本预计2017年营收3.5亿美元,但实际营收此预期低了15%-20%,原定于今年的IPO计划可能也被迫推迟;旗下拥有赫芬顿邮报、美国在线、雅虎的传媒业巨头Oath去年也大规模裁员。
有媒体统计,全球最大的管理咨询公司埃森哲的子公司埃森哲互动(Accenture Interactive),自2009年成立以来就一直积极进军营销服务领域,并已收购近20家广告代理公司。
像埃森哲互动、德勤数字(Deloitte Digital)、IBM iX这样的咨询公司是很擅长把传统创意和先进技术结合到一起的。近期他们打了不少漂亮仗,比如埃森哲互动拿下了玛莎拉蒂的全球品牌体验营销代理业务、德勤数字赢得了美国快餐连锁Chipotle的数字业务。独立广告机构Noble People的首席执行官Greg March表示:“他们以前就是给你一套方案,然后就不管了。但现在他们不仅做战略,还在做执行”。
Pleasant read, but no depth.
Look at Microsoft's example, no one could get regulators to havea lot at the way they operate. When they finally did, they found out thatMicrosoft operates an illegal monopoly and recommend a breakup. This would nothave destroyed Microsoft, there is good reason for Office to be separate fromWindows. However, Microsoft was saved by an election and all action wasdropped.
The problem with Microsoft, Apple and others is that they locktheir users into their own eco system from which it is very difficult to exit.The article notes this, but offers no solutions. The solution is simple, it'scalled standards. Digital documents are the 21st century infrastructure, theirformat should be regulated to ensure that they can be used by everyone and thatthey will survive into the future. Every document we create using MicrosoftOffice contains code that Microsoft has patented ... in effect your lettercontains Microsoft intellectual property. They chose not to excercise theirrights, but what are the guarantees. It is clear that document formats shouldbe standardised, and the standard already exists. Microsoft and Google shouldbe forced to use the standards, paying a stiff fine for every "bug"in the implementation.
The same logic applies to other fields. E.g. look at all themessaging platforms that do not communicate with each other. It is as iftelephone companies allowed you to call only their own customers, withoutaccessing other networks, and you are forced to buy several phones, one fromeach telephone company. This should be standardised, just like telephony andmessaging apps should be forced to communicate.
So, the answer to the question "what should regulatorsdo" is "impose standards" and enforce those standards with stiffpenalties.
Some people object that this would reduce innovation, but thisis not true. Take the example of Microsoft Office, they could still keep theirexisting standard, they would just have to implement the open one and guaranteethat it works correctly. That would allow otther software to easily use thedocuments, there would be more competition.
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