TE||What’s the buzz
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What’s the buzz?
本文英文部分选自经济学人Science and Technology版块

What’s the buzz?
A new app listens to the problems of bees
Matching honeybee noises to their ailments
YOU might expect to hear an angry buzzing when honeybees have been disturbed. But some apiarists reckon they can also deduce the condition of their bees from the sounds they make. A steady hum could be the sign of a contented hive; a change in tone might indicate that the bees are about to swarm. That intuition is about to be put to the test. Soon, beekeepers will be able to try to find out what is troubling a colony by listening to the buzz using a smartphone app.
Hum: 英 [hʌm] 美 [hʌm]
发出连续而低沉的声音;发嗡嗡声 If something hums, it makes a low continuous noise.
● The birds sang, the bees hummed...
● Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again...
The app, which is in the final stages of testing, has been developed by Jerry Bromenshenk and a group of fellow bee experts at the University of Montana. It uses a form of artificial intelligence to analyse the sound that bees are making in order to deduce whether they are suffering from a number of maladies.
这款应用程序由杰里布罗梅什克(Jerry Bromenshenk)和一群蒙大拿大学的蜜蜂专家开发,目前正处于测试的最后阶段。它运用人工智能分析蜜蜂制造的蜂鸣以判断它们是否被疾病困恼。
Those afflictions might provide an indication of an impending Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a mysterious syndrome that has plagued beekeepers in North America and Europe. Unlike a natural swarm, in which a large group of worker bees leave with their queen to form a new colony, CCD involves bees suddenly disappearing for no obvious reason, leaving their queen behind. Although recent reports suggest there has been a reduction in bee die-offs, according to some estimates 10m hives in America alone were wiped out by CCD from 2006 to 2013. Besides hitting honey production, this can also hinder the pollination of certain crops.
这些疾病可能表明即将出现蜂群崩溃综合征(Colony Collapse Disorder,CCD)-一种困扰北美和欧洲养蜂人的神秘综合征。 与天然蜂群不同,一大群工蜂带着蜂后离开,组成一个新的蜂群;CCD导致大批工蜂突然无故消失,,蜂巢里只留下孤零零的蜂后。 尽管最近有报道表明蜜蜂的死亡率降低,但据估计,2006年至2013年间,仅美国就有1000万蜂巢因CCD而消失。CCD除了影响了蜂蜜产量外,也会阻碍某些农作物的授粉。
1.Colony Collapse Disorder, CCD: 蜂群衰竭失调,又称为蜂群崩溃综合症,是一个近代发现而至今不明的自然现象,导致大批蜂巢内的工蜂突然消失。CCD于2006年末出现于北美的蜜蜂群。
2.wipe out :
① (informal) to fall over,especially when you are doing a sport such as SKING or SURFING(尤指做滑雪或冲浪等体育运动时)跌倒,翻跌下来;
② (informal) wipe sb out , to make sb extremely tired使疲惫不堪:
All that travelling has wiped her out. 一路舟车劳顿让她疲惫不堪。
③ wipe sb/sth out [ofen passive] to destroy or remove sb/sth completely 彻底消灭,全部摧毁;
Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake. 地震把整座整座的村庄夷为平地。
a campaign to wipe out malaria 消灭疟疾的行动 摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》
The development of the app has an unusual back story. The idea came from one of the many bee projects which Dr Bromenshenk and his colleagues are involved in. This work involves training bees to hunt for landmines. Landmines leak traces of explosive chemicals into the ground and the air. These tiny emissions can be detected by well-trained sniffer dogs. Since dogs can be heavy enough to detonate mines, some instead use rats that have been trained to do the same thing.
这款应用的开发背后还有一个不同寻常的故事。 这款应用的灵感源于一项训练蜜蜂搜寻地雷的项目。这个项目是Bromenshenk博士和他的同事参与的众多蜜蜂项目中的一项。地雷中的爆炸性化学物会有少量泄漏到地面和空气中。训练有素的嗅探犬也能探测出这些微量的化学排放物。 但是狗体积较大,易引爆地雷,因此有些人则使用经过训练的老鼠扫雷。
Explosive reaction
Training dogs and rats to find mines is slow and expensive. However, the Montana researchers reckon they can train bees to find mines in only a few hours. They do this by spiking a syrup feed with a small sample of explosive chemicals. The bees then associate the scent of the chemicals with food. This influences them to fly towards and around any source of the chemicals when foraging for nectar. As there could be some 20,000 bees flying, some means of tracking them is required. To do that, the researchers use lidar, a form of radar, which they tune to the frequency of the bees’ wing beats. This way an electronic map can be built up showing where the bees fly to, and thus where any landmines might be. In tests with the American army, the researchers found bees were more than 97% accurate in locating landmines.
This work is ongoing, but it has also led to other research. The academics came to realize that if minehunting bees are to be deployed successfully by soldiers or civilian contractors, then the operators would need to have good beekeeping skills. Such skills, of course, can be taught but it would take a long time for novices to acquire the knowledge of an experienced beekeeper, let alone be in tune with the many ailments that bees are susceptible to. This led in turn to the idea of developing a machine that could, like a seasoned beekeeper, listen to the buzz of bees to help determine their health.
For such an idea to work, it is necessary to attribute specific bee ailments to particular sounds. To do that, the university tapped into its worldwide network of beekeepers to find colonies that were known to suffer from only one problem, and to obtain sound recordings of bees in those colonies. The sounds that bees make come from their beating wings (although movements by other parts of their bodies may also be involved). Having built up a database of sounds, an artificial neural network, a form of machine learning used for pattern recognition, was employed to help build algorithms that can match bee sounds to those associated with certain hive problems.
Rather than produce a stand-alone device, the group developed a system which could be used on a smartphone. The resulting app, which is called Bee Health Guru, is being produced by Bee Alert Technology, a company spun out from the university.
研究小组并没有开发独立设备,而是研发了一款用于智能手机的系统。这款名为蜜蜂健康导师(Bee Health Guru)的应用程序由蜜蜂预警技术公司(Bee Alert Technology)开发, 这是一家从蒙大拿大学独立出来的公司。
To check on the health of a colony of bees it is usually necessary to open the hive, a procedure which involves using smoke to pacify the bees. That is a time-consuming process for commercial beekeeping operations, some of which may have several thousand colonies to take care of. With the app, all a beekeeper need do is to hold their smartphone near to the hive’s entrance for 30 seconds while it analyses the sound of the bees. The app then lists any health problems which it detects.
Seven different disorders will at first be checked, says David Firth, a team member who is helping to bring the app to market. These include the presence of hive beetle, a serious honeybee pest, parasitic mites and “foulbrood”, a bacterial infection which can destroy bee colonies.
一位致力于推广该应用于市场的成员戴维·菲斯(David Firth)称,首先他们会检测7种不同的症状,包括是否有蜂巢甲虫,一种厉害的蜜蜂害虫;寄生螨是否存在;污仔病是否存在(可以消灭蜂群的一种细菌感染)。
The results might also point to early signs of CCD, which is now regarded as being caused by a combination of problems rather than one particular disease. In a 2010 paper in PLoS One, Dr Bromenshenk and his colleagues found that a bee virus and a fungus from a species known as Nosema were often prevalent in collapsed honeybee colonies, and that it was likely the two working together were more lethal to bees than either pathogen alone.
从检测结果中也可能发现蜂群崩溃综合征的早期症状。现在,人们更相信这种综合征是由多种问题而非某一种特定的疾病引起。2010年,Bromenshenk博士和他的同事在影响因子(PLoS One)上发表了一篇论文,在论文中指出,崩溃的蜂群中经常会流行一种蜜蜂病毒和微孢子虫(Nosema)的真菌,而且,比起单打独斗,这两种病原体的联合很可能对蜂群更致命。
1. PLOS One : 影响因子
(stylized PLOS ONE, and formerly PLoS ONE) is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS) since 2006. The journal covers primary research from any discipline within science and medicine. The Public Library of Science began in 2000 with an online petition initiative by Nobel Prize winner Harold Varmus, formerly director of the National Institutes of Health and at that time director of Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center; Patrick O. Brown, a biochemist at Stanford University; and Michael Eisen, a computational biologist at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All submissions go through a pre-publication review by a member of the board of academic editors, who can elect to seek an opinion from an external reviewer. According to the journal, papers are not to be excluded on the basis of lack of perceived importance or adherence to a scientific field. In January 2010, the journal was included in the Journal Citation Reports and received its first impact factor of 4.411. PLOS One papers are published under the Creative Commons licenses.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLOS_One
2. nosema
英 ['nəʊsi:mə] 美 ['noʊsimə] n. (疾)病;
Nosema [医]小孢子虫属:一种细胞内的原生动物属〔小孢子虫目(Microsporida),无泛孢母亚目(Apansporoblastina)〕,寄生于无脊椎动物类,主要为昆虫的病原体。
With the permission of users, data from the app can be shared with the researchers, who plan thereby to update the software to detect other diseases and problems, says Dr Firth. This could include exposure to pesticides, in particular a group called neonicotinoids which are suspected of harming honeybees (pesticide producers reject such claims). Finally, if all works to plan, bees will get to have their say about the things that cause them harm.
1.Neonicotinoids 新烟碱,又称类尼古丁,是一种和尼古丁相关的神经活性杀虫剂的总称。近年来不断有研究发现,新烟碱类杀虫剂可能“误伤”到蜜蜂等授粉类昆虫,德国专家还发现,这类杀虫剂会减少蜂王浆中的乙酰胆碱,从而妨碍幼蜂发育。
2.have your say
(informal) to have the opportunity to express yourself fully about sth 有机会充分发表意见
She won't be happy until she's had her say.她要把话都说出来才舒畅。
Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友
观点 |评论|思考
This essay reminds me of two controversial linguistic issues: Animals’ communication system and Natural language processing
To begin with, I dun know whether you have ever felt curious about animals’ language, how they start a conversation with their counterparts? How they educate their next generation? Is there any accent or dialect among animals who live in different regions?
Take dogs for example, let’s imagine a scenario with full of exotic feeling and hilarious plots. when a husky meet a shiba—a Russian creature encounter a Japanese creature , why they two can communicate with each other no language barrier? Moreover, even you settled down in another city where it is airplane-distance far from your old house with your husky, he may even bark a whole night to respond his neighboring dog friend. You may has no idea of what he is talking, at least, you know he was in fun of it.
When it comes to animals’ language, it has been a controversial issue for many years among linguists and biologists. Obviously dogs have no lingua franca, but most of scholars tend to believe that animals communicate with a help of a simple information system. For instance, When a dog makes a constant and low sound, this sound may indicate several purposes, like threatening, declaring or annoying etc. the decipherable ability may come with nature, like human beings’ cry. Once a baby is crying, we know he is feeling uncomfortable, but we cannot be sure of whether he is crying for the hunger of the hurt, baby know crying by nature, we decipher it with a natural reaction.
As for the application mentioned by the essay, which may have a lot commons with the natural language processing(NLP) technology, an innovative technology based on artificial intelligence and data analysis can be used on translating, also, a new branch of linguistic study. In the past, linguists mainly focus on elements, structure,linguistic ecology of language and the connection between two languages, After Chomsky camp up his own theory, his thesis dominates the mainstream of linguistic study. However, now things may go differently. NLP, like the way scientists used on bee sound research, is opening a new way to analyze language, they borrowed a lot from theoretical linguistic study to improve their algorithm but try to do more. Since they can skip some parts of linguistic parts and use data analytic technologies to redesign the language structure, in which theory, the deciphering of machine is more important that deciphering by human.
Overall, from the science prospective, I always believe that we belong to a lucky generation who can enjoy various innovations our last generation cannot imagine. Like language area, it won’t take much time for us to witness many breakthroughs on language realm.
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