Lina Loi《I’m Not The Enemy》



Everyday music




——《Paint It, Black》

名:  《I’m Not The Enemy》

歌者  Lina Loi

词曲 Travis House, Jeeve & Lina Loi




[Verse 1]

I don't know you

Don't know those melancholy eyes I see

Do you even know me?

Your scent is familiar

Your voice familiar, but those words you speak

Are not familiar to me


You can't love nobody, unless you love yourself

Don't take it out on me, baby

I'm not the enemy

Are you the man I love, the man I know loves me?

Come on, talk to me, boy

I'm not the enemy

[Verse 2]

Your worries, your stress

Are both the root of your unhappiness

Fueled by insecureties

The pressures of being a man is hard

Don't think I don't understand

Put a little faith in me

[Hook 2]

You can't love nobody, unless you love yourself

Don't take it out on me, baby

I'm not the enemy

We can't be happy until you're happy with yourself

Come on, talk to me, boy

I'm not the enemy


Ooh, what I feel is unconditonal

I love you at your best and at your worst

Don't shove me out

I'm here for you, I'm on your side

(Humming break)

[Hook 1]

You can't love nobody, unless you love yourself

Don't take it out on me, baby

I'm not the enemy

Are you the man I love, the man I know loves me?

Come on, talk to me, boy

I'm not the enemy

[Hook 2]

You can't love nobody, unless you love yourself

Don't take it out on me, baby

I'm not the enemy

We can't be happy, until you're happy with yourself

Come on, talk to me, boy

I'm not the enemy



今天分享一首 Lina Loi  的  《I’m Not The Enemy》。

今天来首隐匿的好歌手的复古歌曲。可能很少人听过这个歌手的歌,我们今天来欣赏下。这首歌来自她2001年的首张专辑《Stranger on Earth》,她将20-30年代的灵魂乐、节奏布鲁斯与摇摆乐和人声爵士乐相结合,将听众带回了几十年前烟雾缭绕的场所。这张专辑中有她最热门的单曲《Playa No More》。虽然有大家认可的好歌曲,可还是被观众低估了。这张唱片勉强进入了 BILLBOARD 杂志的 TOP R&B/HIP - HOP ALBUMS 榜单的前 100 名。她并不打算放弃,将厂牌从 Atlantic Records 改为 Hidden Beach Recordings,并于 2005 年发行了她的第二张专辑。不过,这次发布也没有给她带来太多宣传。于是,这位歌手创办了自己的唱片公司,并于 2008 年 Moodstar Recordings 发行了她的第三张专辑,名为《Morning Star》。从那以后,她再也没有录制过任何新的东西。或许是因为时机不太好。不过,现在又开始流行复古灵魂的音乐了,希望能听到更多她的好作品。这首歌也在电影《一级重罪》中出现过。看下歌手。

Lina Loi(本名Shelina Wade)是一位深受圈内好评的美国 R&B 和灵魂歌手和词曲作者。她在德克萨斯长大,四岁在教堂唱歌时开始接触音乐。在与母亲一起巡回演出和演后,Lina 培养了福音和爵士乐的根源,并与大西洋唱片公司签约,并立即以首张专辑《Stranger on Earth》开始了她的国际巡演。个人受到约瑟芬·贝克( Josephine Baker)、莎拉·沃恩( Sarah Vaughan)和萨德 (Sade) 等歌手的影响,随后 Lina 开始发展一种自己标志性的声乐风格,将摇摆乐、R&B 和爵士乐与现代灵魂相结合。

