


当然,我知道说了也是白说,你们依然不会提前动笔的。所以现在给拖延症的你们介绍下如何在一天内 (有效工作时间8-12小时)快速搞定一篇1000-2000字左右的essay。3000字的类似,只是时间相应延长。


也就是说开头的Introduction一段,占10%, 150个字



1. 先打开作业要求,开始读题

(耗时30 分钟)

  • deadline(如果你提前一天写的话也就是明天)和具体criteria给标红and加粗!

  • 至少读3-5遍的criteria,明确老师想要什么以及essay的主题。如果是自己选题的话,优先选择自己熟悉,并且在google上一搜索,出来搜索记录最多的那个。

  • 找出key words,也就是题目以及要求中反复出现并涉及到的主要概念。并且写下来贴到电脑旁,时时刻刻提醒自己,我要写的究竟是什么。

2. 跳过Introduction部分,直接开始列Main body的提纲



Main body不管分成3段还是4段,这几段的结构基本是一样的。主要包括四个部分,主题句+例子+分析+结尾句。写这部分的时候可以先不追求细节,免得影响思路。先把outline列出来就好。一个清晰的思路有了,这篇essay最起码及格了。


第1句 主题句,Topic sentence:为了和前面衔接的更好,可以用despite开头,比如:Despite the focus on xxx, it appears that ...., while ......

2和第3句 举例说明,Supporting evidence: Somebody suggests/argues (author,year)......

第3和第4句提出你的观点或者对比之前的引用, Analysis: 可以之前研究的不足,或者之前不同观点的矛盾之处等等。如果第一段提出观点,比如So what kind of balabalaba,那么第二段的这个地方就用 In addition, 开头来和前面呼应。第三段用Therefore 来和前面两段呼应。

第5句 结尾句,Concluding sentence:一句话总结观点并且和上下呼应,这个很难有template,大家根据内容自己总结就好。

3. 根据主体部分开始写conclusion

(耗时30 分钟)


第一句总结前面所讨论的内容Summary of the main themes: :From the review of the current literature, it can be seen that.....

第二句 指出前面研究的不足 gap: While much of the previous literature has focussed on...., there have been few studies which examine.....

第三句 过渡句 连接上下面,引出你自己的观点Link gap to writer’s own research: Thus there is scope for further research which...

第四句 简要总结你自己的观点summary of writer’s own research: Therefore, this study aims to...

4. 最后再开始写Introduction部分

(耗时30 分钟)



1句背景介绍,Background:Studies over the past two decades have provided important information on …

第2句关键词定义,Definition of key term(s): While a variety of definitions of the term X have been suggested, this paper will use the definition first suggested by Smith (1968) who saw it as …

第3句课题的重要性Importance of topic:In the history of development economics, X has been thought of as a key factor in …

或者为什么选择这个题目,Reasons for researching topic:Despite its long clinical success, X has a number of problems in use. However, these rapid changes are having a serious effect on …

第4句之前研究的不足,Highlighting inadequacies of previous studies:Although extensive research has been carried out on X, no single study exists which …

第5句研究方法,Brief mention of your methodology:A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used in the data analysis.

第6句我研究方法的优势和不足,Indicating significance:The present research explores, for the first time, the effects of …However, due to practical constraints, this paper cannot provide a comprehensive review of…

第7句观点陈述,Statement: The main issues addressed in this paper are:a), b) and c).

第8-10句全文结构,Outlining the structure:This paper first gives a brief overview of the recent history of X. The third chapter is concerned with the methodology used for this study. The fourth section presents the findings of the research, focusing on the three key themes that …


5.补充前面不完整的 地方



如果老师给了recommending list最好啦!如果没有,打开google scholar (之前有没有用过?),输入关键词,search一下,学术论文全出来了!切记切记,引用来自wiki的话会被扣分哦。

6. 语言润色Proofreading


但是,我知道你们写到这里已经很头疼了。大部分人不想再回头去看自己写的东西。这里隆重推荐我一位英国老师开的英文修改工作室,全部是native speakers修改各类语法问题/深度润色/原意重写关键还有3小时内的加急服务,所以熬夜写完之后,交给他们,早晨就能在deadline之前拿到修改好的稿件啦。



Studies over the past two decades have provided important information on …While a variety of definitions of the term X have been suggested, this paper will use the definition first suggested by Smith (1968) who saw it as …In the history of development economics, X has been thought of as a key factor in …Reasons for researching topic:Despite its long clinical success, X has a number of problems in use. However, these rapid changes are having a serious effect on …Highlighting inadequacies of previous studies:Although extensive research has been carried out on X, no single study exists which … A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used in the data analysis.The present research explores, for the first time, the effects of …However, due to practical constraints, this paper cannot provide a comprehensive review of…The main issues addressed in this paperare:a), b) and c). This paper first gives a brief overview of the recent history of X. The third chapter is concerned with the methodology used for this study. The fourth section presents the findings of the research, focusing on the three key themes that …

Main Body

Despite the focus on xxx, it appears that …, while ….Somebody suggests/argues … (author,year)So what kind of ….

….is one of the fundamental principles of…(author,year)In addition… In other words,…

Furthermore, … becomes a critical tool … As a result, through such experiences and in challenging and supported environments,…Therefore,…


From the review of the current literature, it can be seen that.....While much of the previous literature has focussed on...., there have been few studies which examine.....Thus there is scope for further research which...Therefore, this study aims to...








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