周谷城旧居位于淮海中路1202号淮海公寓,原名盖司康公寓,又名万国储蓄会大楼,建于1935年,万国储蓄会出资建造,赉安公司设计,中法营造厂承建,以万国储蓄会大班盖司康名字命名。公寓分前后两排, 主楼在后排,十三层钢筋混凝土结构。前排为二号楼,为五层公寓大楼。占地面积4533平方米,主楼建筑面积9062平方米, 辅楼建筑面积3318平方米,属现代派建筑风格的公寓住宅。
主楼建筑立面为中轴对称,形体上由中部向两侧逐步跌落,中央有三条凸出的白色垂直带饰,入口挑出雨篷, 卧入式阳台。一层青灰色大理石,以上外墙全部贴以米黄色面砖,仅各层阳台板为白色。二号楼底层为出租商号,二层以上为居住层,二间一套,每层六套,共二十四套。1994年2月15日上海市人民政府公布主楼为市优秀历史建筑。1999年9月23日上海市人民政府公布二号楼为市优秀历史建筑。
周谷城 (1898—1996) 湖南益阳人。早年就读于北京高等师范学院,毕业后在湖南第一师范执教。大革命时期参加农民运动,接受毛泽东的委托,任全国农民协会宣传干事。1927年后执教于上海暨南大学附中、中国公学,先后任中山大学教授兼社会学系主任,暨南大学教授兼史社系主任,复旦大学历史系主任、教务长、教授、博士生导师。
中华人民共和国成立后,任中国农工民主党中央主席、全国人大常委会副委员长兼科教文卫委员会主任委员。长期从事学术研究的组织领导工作,教学和研究涉及史学、哲学、美学、逻辑学、政治学、社会学、教育学等学科。60多年来,著述数百万字,出版专著十余部,发表论文两百余篇。编著的 《中国通史》《世界通史》在海内外产生了很大影响。
20世纪初,在梁启超、章太炎等以进化史观为指导重新撰写中国历史的倡导下,不少中国史著作问世。而周谷城以其独创的通史编纂理论和严密的体系撰写的《中国通史》, 成为这一时期的代表作之一。这本《中国通史》1939年由上海开明书店出版后,至1957年再版了13次,1957年修订后,又多次重印。1942年春,周谷城受聘于迁址重庆北碚的复旦大学,任历史系教授,并在陈望道任系主任的新闻系开 设英文报纸分析课。结合教学,周谷城开始致力于对世界历史的研究。他发现当时流行的世界史著作,都是以欧洲为中心,置亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的古老文明于不顾。于是,他决定编写一本格局一新的《世界通史》,力求将人类社会发展的全局综合为统一整体,蔚成一幅波澜壮阔的世界历史画面。
1949年,周谷城的三卷本《世界通史》正式面世。在这部通史中,以埃及、巴比伦、波斯、印度、中国和墨西哥六大文化中心的相互关联、日趋融合为主旨,描绘了世界文化彼此交流和互为因果的内在联系。中华人民共和国成立近30年后,周谷城迎来了人生和学术道路上的第二个春天。1978 年后,他先后发表了诸多史学论文,出版了《史学与美学》一书,与此同时,重新修订出版了《中国通史》。
Introduction of former
residence of ZHOU Gucheng
The former residence of ZHOU Gucheng lies in Huaihai Apartment at No. 1202 on Middle Huaihai Road, which was formerly called Gascogne Apartment and also known as the International Savings Society Building. Built in 1935 by Sino-French Construction Company, it was invested by the International Savings Society and was designed by Leonard-Veysseyre-Kruze Architects. It was named after Gascogne, the manager of the International Savings Society.The apartments are divided into two rows—the front and back rows. The main building which has thirteen floors with a reinforced concrete structure is the back row. The front row is Building No.2, a five-story apartment. The building covers an area of 4,533 square meters, the main building has a construction area of 9,062 square meters and the auxiliary building has a construction area of 3,318 square meters. It is of modern architectural style. The facade of the main building is symmetrical, the two wings being one floor lower than the middle gradually, and the centre of the building has three white vertical belt decorations that stand out. The entrance has projected canopy and balconies are receded.The first floor has cinereous marbles for walls while the exterior walls above the first floor are coated with beige tiles. Only the balcony plates at all floors are white. The ground floor of Building No. 2 has shops for lease and rooms above the first floor are for residence. There are two rooms in one suite and six suites on each floor and twenty four suites in total. Both the main building and Building No. 2 became a Heritage Architecture issued by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government on February 15, 1994 and September 23, 1999 respectively.
ZHOU Gucheng (1898-1996) has his ancestral family from Yiyang in Hunan province. In his early years, he studied in the Beijing Higher Normal College and served as a teacher in Hunan First Normal School after graduation. During the Great Revolution in China, he participated in the farmers’ movement and received a commission from MAO Zedong to assume the post of publicity officer of the National Farmers Association. After 1927, he taught at the High School affiliated to Jinan University in Shanghai and the National High School.
Successively he served as professor and head of the Department of Sociology in Sun Yatsen University, professor and head of the Department of History in Jinan University, and provost, professor, doctoral tutor and head of the Department of History in Fudan University. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he served as chairman of the Central Committee of Chinese Farmers and Workers Democratic Party, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress as well as chairman of its Branch Committee of Science, Education, Culture and Health.He was engaged in organizing and leading academic research for a long period of time. His teaching and researches cover such fields as history, philosophy, aesthetics, logic, politics, sociology, pedagogy and others. During his career of over 60 years, he had written millions of words and published more than ten books and over two hundred papers. The General History of China and General History of the World compiled by him had a significant influence both at home and abroad.At the beginning of the 20th century, many works on Chinese history were published due to the promotion to rewrite Chinese history with the guidance of the evolutionary outlook by LIANG Qichao, ZHANG Taiyan and others. The General History of China written by ZHOU Gucheng was one of the masterworks during this period with his original general history compilation theory and strict system.After the General History of China was published by Kaiming Book Company in Shanghai, it went through 13 editions until 1957. After its revision in 1957, it has been reprinted many times.In the spring of 1942, he was employed by Fudan University which was relocated at Beibei in Chongqing. He served as professor of history and offered courses on analyzing English newspapers in the Department of Journalism, whose head was CHEN Wangdao.Combining teaching, he devoted himself to the study of world history.He found that popular works on world history at that time all centered on Europe and disregarded the ancient civilizations of Asia, Africa and Latin America. So he decided to write a General History of the World which broke the old pattern in order to synthesize theoverall development of human society to a unified whole and paint a magnificent historical panorama of the world.In 1949, his three-volume work General History of the World was officially available.It depicted the inner links of the world’s cultures which exchanged and interacted with each other,centering on the interrelationships and integration of six major cultural centers—Egypt, Babylon, Persia, India, China and Mexico.Nearly 30 years after the fourding of the Peoples Republic of China, he ushered in a second spring in his life and academic career. After 1978, he published a number of historical papers successively and his book History and Aesthetics also came out at that time. Meanwhile, he revised and published the General History of China. In 1982, his two important works, i.e. General History of China and General History of the World, were listed as textbooks of liberal arts for national colleges and universities. Amazingly, he still came to the classroom at the age of 80 to teach the knowledge of world history, which made further contribution to cultivate the first masters and doctors of history in the new era.He established his own theory and became ever more resolute with his growing age. In 1984, he presided over the founding of Collections of Studies on Chinese Culture; in 1986, he acted as chief editor of “Series of History of World Cultures”; in 1988, he headed the compilation of the large-scale “Series of the Republic of China”.信息来源:《200031——一个历史街区的文化记忆》