
上期我们讲到了如果老是用定语从句的时候,为了实现表达的多样性和灵活性,不妨观察定从句子的结构:1) 如果是主谓型,可用非谓语结构替换(戳链接查看详情 → 3分钟就能学的雅思语法(第19期):定语在写作中的多样化方式1—非谓语结构);2) 如果是系表结构,即名词+who/which/that+ be +表语(形容词/介词词组),实际上我们可以把相容词前置,写成形容词+名词;如果定从中表语是介词词组则可直接用名词+介词词组结构。
Nowadays, learning a new language for the purpose of working in other countries seems to become more and more popular. Adults in need of money①or, why not, recognition are trying to pursue their happiness far away from home. Also, the hey days of employers looking not only for multi-skilled employees②, but they also want people who know more than their mother tongue③. Sooner or later, those who omitted learning more④ are prone to become jobless. (剑11 T3 考生大作文7分节选)
本段中后置定语一共出现四次,如果按照我们平时语言输出方式,我们可能都写成了定语从句如 “Adults who are in need of money; employers who look not only for multi-skilled employees; people who know more than their mother tongue; those who omitted learning more”。但是,本段中考生在表达定语的时候用了三种语言表达方式,分别是介词短语(①),分词结构(②)以及定语从句(③, ④),有效的实现了表达的多样性和灵活性。因此,考官在语法项给出的评价是 “A variety of complex structures is used with some flexibility and accuracy. Grammar and punctuation are well controlled and error–free sentences are frequent”。
