








Three years Yuan Xiangyinyuan casting period is long, even after the founding of the casting, which also objectively created it after the development and version of the collection advantages, the collection of amateurs to enjoy quite high. Here are a few of the three year's worth of your investment and attention to see if you've got it in your pocket.

Wuchang edition

Although named Wuchang, but we have not found that the Hubei Mint has a clear record of the local production of Wuchang version of the head. At first, Tibetan friends thought that most of the olive teeth were found in Hubei Province. Hubei Minting Bureau had produced many Xuansan teeth in the late Qing Dynasty. The characteristics of these two kinds of teeth seem to be the same in origin. In fact, this reason is obviously untenable, the production of Xuansan mint can be more than one in Hubei, not just because the edge teeth similar to the conclusion.

No matter where it comes from, the name has become a habit. Many Tibetan friends are also very keen to find a beautiful Wuchang, speaking of its value, it is higher than ordinary three years more than twice.

In order to make a quick and convenient distinction, it is suggested that we first observe the vertical ribbon above the ribbon at the bottom left of Jiahe surface. In this position, the general version of the large head carved flat and smooth, and the Wuchang version of the belt has a concave trace.

When you find that the hands of three years with Quying, in order to further determine whether it is Wuchang, then observe the silver coin edge teeth, Wuchang version of the general match is olive teeth. Other features include wide edges and short borders, both of which are easy to understand literally, but not all of Wuchang are short borders, so friends should make a comprehensive judgment.

Gansu edition

Many friends say they like the Gansu version of the rough rough head of the sculpture style, full of northwest regional customs. It seems that even if it is slightly lower quality, but also difficult to shake in the hearts of Tibetan friends status. Gansu version of the big head in addition to the famous plus version, many potential varieties have also been unremittingly excavated under the Tibetan friends. Qu Bimin, deciduous version, long Tasao version is the warm pursuit of many friends by the spring.

Compared with the general version of three years, the Gansu version of the carving head unique, Yuan rough statue, back Jiahe branches and leaves thick, the whole revealed a casual section, the atmosphere of the feeling of magnanimity.









个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。


