人民币错版壹佰圆 可谓是凤毛麟角的“稀世珍品”,甚至被冠以“天价币”之称,人人以能获得一版“错版币”为荣。


In recent years, "wrong edition currency" has once become the favorite of the collection circle, which has been widely speculated on the media, with the sky-high price of millions and millions of yuan. It is understood that xiangbobo's "wrong version of the coin" treasure value is very high, and the more wrong the more precious.


Wrong edition COINS are chased by many collectors, is due to its scarcity, especially product is very good collection value "wrong version of the coin" is almost a second, it is difficult to find the same "masterpiece" is rare, and even called "currency" for everyone to get a version of the "wrong currency".


In order to adapt to the requirements of economic development and market currency circulation, on October 1, 1999, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the People's Bank of China successively issued the fifth set of RMB (1999 edition). The fifth set of RMB inherits the traditional experience of China's printing technology, draws on the advanced technology of foreign banknote design, and has greatly improved its anti-counterfeiting performance and adaptability to the modernization of currency processing. On the front of each denomination currency, the head of Chairman Mao Zedong in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China is adopted, and on the back, the famous Chinese flower pattern is adopted. On the back, the main scene pattern is selected with representative national characteristics, which fully expresses the long history and magnificent mountains and rivers of China and carries forward the great national culture of China. On August 31, 2005, the People's Bank of China issued the fifth set of RMB for 2005 edition. The main pattern was the same as that of 1999 edition, but the number of light changed, the position of the denomination watermark was adjusted, and the gravure hand line was added, the anti-copying mark was added, and the denomination number on the back was added with the suffix "YUAN", etc.


This is the fifth set of RMB 100 "wrong edition" real coins. The front side of the currency uses Chairman Mao Zedong's head in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the bottom line uses the pattern of plum blossom. The plum blossom stands proudly in the wind and snow, and is alone in the cold, with a faint fragrance and a healthy atmosphere, which overflows the universe. The main scene on the back is the Great Hall of the People, one of the top ten buildings in the capital on the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is also a landmark of Beijing. This wrong version of the coin is intact and has obvious stains. The mistake is that there are ink marks at the watermark. The RMB is issued by the state authority and can only enter the circulation channel after a series of processes such as printing, inspection, cutting and sealing are confirmed. The probability of its error is about 1 in 10 million, which is unique and rare in the collection circle.










个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。

