
我们正在精读国外经典骨科书籍《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》,想要对于骨科英文形成系统认识,为以后无障碍阅读英文文献打下基础,请持续关注。




Extra-articular fractures and undisplaced intra-articular fractures, if properly treated, usually have a good result. However, the patient should be warned that it may take 6–12 months before full function is regained, and in about 10 per cent of cases there will be residual symptoms that might preclude a return to their previous job if this involved walking on uneven surfaces or balancing on ladders.

The outcome for displaced intra-articular fractures is much less predictable. The results of operative treatment are heavily dependent on the severity of the fracture and the experience of the surgeon (Buckley et al., 1992; Sanders et al., 1995). The Canadian multicentre study showed a shorter time off work and lower requirement for subtalar arthrodesis in those managed operatively. Results were particularly favourable with internal fixation in younger men and those not working with heavy loads or receiving workmen’s compensation. In experienced hands, for selected fractures, this is a rational treatment. However, it is not an enterprise for the tyro and unless the appropriate skills and facilities are available the patient should be referred to a specializing centre.

Closed treatment, though it may be the only alternative, has a bad reputation. Crosby and Fitzgibbons (1990), in a follow up of 30 patients who had undergone closed treatment, found that 50 per cent of those with uncomplicated displaced intra-articular fractures were contemplating having an arthrodesis within 4 years of injury; only two out of 10 patients had a 'good’ result. Those with comminuted fractures fared even worse: all of them were assessed as having a poor result.

The fact remains that the heel fracture is a serious and disabling injury in many patients with heavy or physically demanding jobs; mechanical reconstruction of the bony anatomy does not necessarily improve the functional outcome.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


preclude  /prɪˈkluːd/vt. 排除;妨碍;阻止

The outcome for displaced intra-articular fractures is much less predictable.移位的关节内骨折的结果很难预测。

arthrodesis /ɑ:'θrɔdəsis/关节融合术







