一遇到学习就犯拖延症?“拖延症”的英文可不是delay disease!
If you can go there this afternoon, so much the better. 如果你下午能去那里,那就更好了!
I like learning and if I can do it more effectively, so much the better. 我喜欢学习,如果我能更高效地学习,那就更好了。
Eight children were crammed into the back of the car. 八个小孩子被塞在车后座。
She’s cramming for her history exam. 她正在临时抱佛脚准备历史考试。
I never buy my gifts until Christmas Eve because I’m a procrastinator. 我直到平安夜才买礼物,因为我是个拖拉者。
He’s going to be late tonight. He never gets his work finished on time because he is a procrastinator. 他今晚会迟到。他从来都不会按时完成工作,因为他是一个拖延症者。
Procrastinate (v)
I know I've got to deal with the problem at some point - I'm just procrastinating. 我知道我必须在某个时候处理这个问题——我只是在拖延时间。 He procrastinated until there was enough time to finish. 他一直拖延,直到有足够的时间完成。
Use your loaf. The piano won't fit in the car! 动动脑筋吧,钢琴放不进车里。
I'm too sleepy to use my head right now. 现在我太累了,脑子转不动了。
The film looks like a surefire Oscar winner.
Running into the street like that is a surefire way to get hurt.
Tighter use-it-or-lose-it vacation policies force many workers to take their vacations before year-end. 更严格的“用进废退”休假政策迫使许多员工在年底前休假。
We need to explain why these issues are important and relate them to everyday life. 我们需要解释为什么这些问题很重要,并把它们与日常生活联系起来。 How are these two things related to one another? 这两件事是怎么联系在一起的?
We need to set up a relational database so that we can find things better. 我们需要建立一个关系数据库,这样我们就可以更好地找到东西。 With relational learning, the new information we learn is easier to recall because it has meaning with what we already know. 通过关联式学习,我们学习的新信息更容易回忆起来,因为它对我们已经知道的东西有意义。
There's a stereotype that women tend to multitask better than men do. 有一种成见认为女性比男性更倾向于同时处理多项任务。 Young people who multitask while driving slow their reaction time to that of an 80-year-old. 年轻人在开车时一心多用的话,会减慢他们对80岁老人的反应速度。
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