精于算计的人有的时候算来算去却算到了自己,是得不偿失的一种行为。做人首先要修身养性,少点闲言碎语,少点斤斤计较,少点歪门邪道。人生在世,难得糊涂。事事关心的人,操心事事,有的时候难免会殚精竭虑,寝食难安。在英语中比较接近地表达“难得糊涂或无知是福”可以用一个单词 silly,它可以译为”冒傻气的,没头脑的,傻的“等,例如: She had a silly grin on her face.她一脸憨笑。Her work is full of silly mistakes.她满篇都是愚蠢的错误。”难得糊涂或无知是福“地道的表达方式是”ignorance is bliss“,比喻因为对某事不知道而不在乎,例如:The farmers were using these pesticides in their fields without even considering the harmful effects it has on the land. Ignorance is bliss.农民在他们的田地里使用这些杀虫剂,甚至没有考虑它对土地的有害影响。无知是福。I was wonderfully happy using my drier every day and ignorance was bliss until I found out how much electricity it consumed.我非常高兴每天都用我的烘干机,无知是一种幸福,直到我发现它消耗了多少电。The topic that I wanted to touch upon today is the solar energy creation. So far, for the masses ignorance has been bliss but no more.今天我想谈的话题是太阳能的创造。到目前为止,对大众来说,无知是幸福,但不再是幸福。Ignorance was bliss in their partnership where one partner had no idea about how his name was getting dragged in the illegal work by the other.在他们的伙伴关系中,无知是一种幸福,一方不知道自己的名字是如何被另一方非法使用。难得糊涂或无知是福有的时候是一种品质,一种能让自己省去不必要烦恼的幸福源泉。从现在开始,试着放下那些鸡毛蒜皮的事情,专心做自己喜欢的事情。