





  • 平均年龄较小:43比48岁(P=0.017)

  • 基线超声测定肿瘤较大:31.3比28.1毫米(P=0.013)

  • 新辅助化疗前临床肿瘤分期相似

  • 新辅助化疗前临床总体分期相似

  • 肿瘤位于腺体相对较少区域比例较高

  • 内上:18.18%比12.53%

  • 正上:20.20%比15.29%

  • 内下:11.11%比6.77%

  • 外下:5.05%比3.51%

  • 术后切缘宽度相似

  • 病理类型分布相似

  • 分子亚型分布相似

  • 病理完全缓解率相似



Ann Plast Surg. 2021 Aug 12. Online ahead of print.

A Retrospective Cohort Study Comparing Traditional Breast Conservation With Oncoplastic Surgery in Breast Cancer Patients After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.

Chen Y, Hao S, Chen J, Huang X, Cao A, Hu Z, Liu G, Shao Z, Wu J.

Fujian Medical University Cancer Hospital, Fujian Cancer Hospital, Fujian; Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

BACKGROUND: To better understand the difference between traditional breast-conserving surgery (BCS) and oncoplastic surgery (OPS), we conducted a retrospective cohort study involving breast cancer patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) and then underwent breast conservation at the Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center.

METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted. All breast cancer patients who received NAC and then underwent traditional BCS or OPS at the Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center from January 1, 2008, to December 31, 2019, were included.

RESULTS: Three hundred ninety-nine breast cancer patients received NAC and underwent traditional BCS, and 99 patients underwent OPS. The average age of the patients in the OPS group was younger than that in the BCS group (43 vs 48 years, P = 0.017). The size of the tumor assessed by ultrasonography at baseline in the OPS group was larger than that in the BCS group (31.3 vs 28.1 mm, P = 0.013). The same trend was observed in the clinical T stage and overall staging assessments before the administration of NAC in these 2 groups. Oncoplastic techniques were more frequently applied when tumors were located in areas with relatively few glands, such as the upper inner quadrant. There were no significant differences in the margins and distributions of pathological types and molecular subtypes between these 2 groups. The rates of pathological complete response were similar in the traditional BCS and OPS groups.

CONCLUSIONS: Unlike traditional BCS, in breast cancer patients after NAC, the adoption of oncoplastic techniques makes breast conservation feasible, even in patients with large tumors, late stages, and unfavorable tumor locations.

PMID: 34387578

DOI: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000002971

