新兴的新现实主义画家蒂姆·里斯(Tim Rees)艺术绘画作品欣赏


蒂姆·里斯(Tim Rees)是一位新兴的新现实主义画家,他利用自己的绘画技巧来美化人物,他认为这是最有魅力的人物。蒂姆里斯在亚利桑那长大,热爱绘画。



里斯于 2009 年搬到芝加哥,在调色板和凿子学院学习,他将其描述为一个俱乐部,各种技能水平的人都可以在这里练习 alla prima,或同时进行绘画。


对里斯来说,教学是另一个很棒的学习经历。现在是斯科茨代尔艺术家学校的一名讲师,里斯在 Noorealist 哲学的租户下绘画,该哲学指出,在人们过度关注技术和消耗品的时代,应该更加强调人文主义。他的愿望是通过技术掌握和强大的构图来传达美。

Tim Rees is an emerging Novorealist painter, using his technical drawing skills to glorify the human figure, which he believes has the most power to engage. Tim Rees grew up in Arizona with a love for drawing. He began to study animation at Collins College but was disappointed on the reliance on computers in contemporary animation,

preferring instead traditional drawing methods. He then began to pursue a medical degree but found his desire to create art overwhelming. Rees painted with a small group of artists in downtown Scottsdale during the day while working a night shift at a hospital.

It was then that someone told him about a the Palette and Chisel Academy in Chicago, which provided access to models every day of the week for a small membership fee.

Rees moved to Chicago in 2009 to study at the Palette and Chisel Academy, which he describes as a club where people of all skill levels come to practice alla prima, or painting all at once. Here Rees was often challenged by low lighting,

crowded rooms of eager artists and restless models. However, the practice improved his abilities so much, that after just a year and a half the academy hired him as an instructor of drawing and painting.

Teaching has been another great learning experience for Rees. Now an instructor at Scottsdale Artists’ School, Rees paints under the tenants of the Novorealist philosophy, which states that there should be a greater emphasis on humanism in a time when people are overly focused on technology and consumables. His desire is to convey beauty through technical mastery and strong composition.