正餐 (dinner)相关的英语词汇—外出就餐
Hello! 大家好!今天分享的是18个dinner相关的英语词汇 (总第39期)
正餐 dinner
汤 soup
(加入蔬菜的)肉汤,鱼汤 broth
炖菜 stew
咖喱 curry
烤肉 roast
馅饼 pie
蛋奶酥 soufflé/souffle [ˈsuːfl] (源自法语)
烤肉串/烤羊肉串 kebab/shish kebab [ˈʃɪʃ kɪˈbæb]
(英文释义:small pieces of meat and vegetables cooked on a wooden or metal stick)
面条 noodles
肉丸 meatballs
煎蛋饼/鸡蛋饼(常加入奶酪、肉和蔬菜等) omelette [ˈɒmlət]
炒菜 stir fry
意大利面食 pasta
米饭 rice
什锦沙拉 mixed salad
蔬菜沙拉 green salad
酸醋调味汁 dressing
1. cook, make, prepare + soup 煮汤,做汤
2. bring + soup to the boil 把汤煮开
3. heat (up) + soup 给汤加热
4. simmer + soup 用文火炖汤
5. have + soup 喝汤 e.g. We had a cold cucumber soup as a starter.
6. drink, eat + soup 喝汤
关于eat soup还是drink soup有很多争议,普遍认为西餐的汤浓稠,常用 eat。但也有人认为,如果盛汤的容器是碗用eat, 因为we eat with a spoon; 如果盛汤的容器是cup,则可以用 drink. 下面英文解释的第一句摘自《牛津英语搭配词典》, 后半部分的英语解释来源于网络。
" 'Eat' is the normal verb when the soup is served in a bowl." You generally drink liquids but eat with a spoon. So you could say "I drank a cup of soup, or ate a bowl of soup." You could "drink" soup when it is served in a cup.
7. ladle soup 舀汤 (ladle做名词的意思是:长柄勺,做动词的意思是:用勺盛/舀)
8. serve soup 端上汤
#Learn English around the House# 系列(室内、室外、房前屋后等相关的英语词汇)19期
服务行业(Services) 系列(银行、宾馆、邮政、电话、急救等) 8期
食物food系列(蔬菜、水果、瓶装食物、乳制品和饮料等) 7期
外出就餐系列(Eating out) 5期
Thank you and have an amazing weekend ahead.[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]
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