如何写Love Letter才能让备胎的我转正?

作者|Michelle P
收到女神大学的Waitlist, 我身边的许多朋友一边大骂梦校渣男,一边哭着打开了Pages开始构思情书思路——毕竟这是他们的dream school, 哪怕只有一线希望也要试一下。

你的love letter应该包含什么

你的love letter不要包括什么
我们点开New Update,看到了渣男的Waitlist信; 你可能会感到沮丧和失望,也许你会感到不足够或无力。
然而,Love Letter 并不是释放你对学校不满的地方。把你的注意力集中在积极的方面,不要让任何消极的感觉在你的信中表现出来。

love letter大纲
1. 介绍
2. 更新的成就

3. 个人的因素
4. 谦虚的结束语
学长学姐对love letter的建议
Kevin Sun:

Zoey Cui:

Example of a Strong Letter of Continued Interest:
Dear College of My Dreams, (obviously you would put the actual college name here)
I would like to sincerely thank the College of My Dreams Admissions Committee for taking the time to look through my application amongst the thousands of applicants and offering me an opportunity to be on the waitlist. College of My Dreams is still my dream school, and if accepted off the waitlist, I would happily attend. I would like to take this opportunity to display my continued interest in CMD and update the Admissions Committee on some of my accomplishments since applying.
Since applying in January, I have been making substantial progress on my research project for Intel ISEF. My project seeks to test whether statistical regression and neural networking can predict geo-political conflicts in developing nations. I have been developing an algorithm to analyze such patterns using a framework of a naïve Bayes classifier under the guidance of Mr. CollegeVine, the Technology General Manager at CollegeVine Tech LLC.
This project has completely changed my perceptions of the unique dynamics implicit in a complex geo-political struggle. Additionally, I have gained an even greater appreciation for computer science’s broad applicability to solve qualitative challenges, while feeding my lifelong curiosity about international relations. It would be nice if I could eventually achieve my goal of making basic predictions about such conflicts… I wouldn’t complain either if my program found itself in the CIA’s computer system one day!
I also continued my role as a leader on the varsity basketball team this winter. Recently I was named the Northeast Elite Team MVP and was named to the All-East All Star Team. In February, I scored 34 points in our league playoff game and was recognized as the national player of the week by Basketball Weekly. We are currently gearing up for the league championship game, so lately I’ve been spending a lot of time in the gym, getting in peak shape and practicing my free throws. (That one I missed against our cross town rivals earlier this year continues to haunt me!)
Finally, I have stopped trying to beat my nine-year-old sister at Wii. Even as the captain of my school’s basketball team, I still lose miserably whenever she chooses to play me in the digital version. I’ve now realized my best efforts are futile and I’m focusing on time and efforts on more fruitful pursuits.
CMD has distinguished itself as a top institution for me, and I am continuously in awe as I read about its amazing work in helping students achieve their dreams. I would like to thank the Office of Undergraduate Admissions once again for reviewing my application, and I would eagerly matriculate if offered a position in the Class of 2018.
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Reference: https://blog.collegevine.com/deferred-or-waitlisted-tips-for-writing-a-letter-of-continued-interest/

排版 |Astrid