美添音乐 Everyday music 《Summer Cannibals》



Everyday music



——Patti Smith 《Free Money》

名:《Summer Cannibals》

歌者   Patti Smith

词曲Patti Smith Fred Smith

流派 朋克摇滚



I was down in Georgia

nothing was as real

as the street beneath my feet

descending into air

The cauldron was a-bubbling

the flesh was lean

and the women moved forward

like piranhas in a stream

they spread themselves before me

an offering so sweet

and they beckoned and they beckoned

come on darling eat

Eat the summer cannibals

eat eat eat

you eat the summer cannibals

eat eat eat

They circled around me

natives in a ring

and I saw their souls a-withering

like snakes in chains

and they wrapped themselves around me

ummm what a treat

and they rattled their tales hissin'

come on let's eat

Eat the summer cannibals

eat eat eat

you eat the summer cannibals

eat eat eat

I felt a rising in my throat

the girls a-saying grace

and the air the viscous air

pressed against my face

and it all got too damn much for me

just got too damn rough

and I pushed away my plate

and said boys I've had enough

and I laid upon the table

another piece of meat

and I opened up my veins to them

and said come on eat

Eat the summer cannibals

eat eat eat

you eat the summer cannibals

eat eat eat

you eat the summer cannibals

eat eat eat

you eat the summer cannibals

eat eat eat

Cause I was down in Georgia

nothing was as real

as the street beneath my feet

descending into hell

So eat eat eat

you eat eat eat

you eat eat eat

eat eat eat



今天分享一首来自Patti Smith的《Summer Cannibals》。

有人说昨天分享的万年青年旅店的《乌云典当记》像这首。而万青曾说很喜欢听Patti Smith的歌。今天我们来了解一下这位朋克教母。

Patricia Lee “Patti” Smith,出生于芝加哥,美国歌手、诗人和视觉艺术家。Patricia的母亲贝弗利(Beverly)是一位爵士歌手,父亲格兰特(Grant)在霍尼韦尔的工厂工作。她接受过虔诚的以圣经为基础的教育,但十几岁时就离开了宗教,因为她觉得那太束缚人了。

1967年,她离开格拉斯博罗州立师范学院(现在的罗文大学),搬到纽约市。她和诗人Janet Hamill一起在书店工作。1969年,她去了巴黎,开始街头表演和表演艺术。

她在70年代早期从事绘画、写作和表演。1974年,开始表演摇滚音乐,是纽约朋克摇滚运动中极具影响力的人物之一,尤其是她1975年的首张专辑《Horses》。这张专辑融合了朋克摇滚和诗歌朗诵,范·莫里森(Van Morrison)的《格洛里亚》(Gloria)的封面和她的开场白:“耶稣为某人的罪而死,但不是我的罪。”

她最著名的歌曲是与Bruce Springsteen合作的《Because the Night》,这首歌在1978年的公告牌百强单曲榜上名列第13位。2007年,她入选摇滚名人堂。

2016年,鲍勃·迪伦获诺贝尔奖,鲍勃·迪伦邀请了 Patti Smith代他领奖。她在典礼上演唱了鲍勃·迪伦的代表作 《A Hard Rain’s a Gonna Fall》。

《Summer Cannibals》是Patti Smith和 Fred Smith共同创作的歌曲,并作为Patti Smith1996年专辑《Gone Again》的主打歌发行。

这是摇滚乐最伟大的爱情故事之一:纽约音乐家诗人Patti Smith和底特律吉他手 Fred Smith走到一起。
这位吉他手是一个超级航空迷,并拿到了飞行员执照,但无法负担开飞机的费用。而Patti Smith不停地写作,但一篇也没有发表。这个经历促发她写了《Free Money》。

Every night before I go to sleep


Find a ticket win a lottery


Scoop the pearls up from the sea


Cash them in and buy you all the things you need


Every night before I rest my head


See those dollar bills go swirling 'round my bed


I know they're stolen but I don't feel bad


I take that money buy you things you never had


Oh baby it would mean so much to me


Oh baby to buy you all the things you need for free


I'll buy you a jet plane baby


Get you on a higher plane to a jet stream


And take you through the stratosphere


And check out the planets there and then take you down


Deep where it's hot hot in Arabia babia


Then cool cold fields of snow


And we'll roll dream roll dream roll roll dream dream


When we dream it when we dream it when we dream it


We'll dream it dream it for free free money


另外,她是柯本的粉丝。1996年她和老同事们制作了一部电影《Gone Again》(《再次消失》),纪念柯本。

官网 http://www.pattismith.net/intro.html



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