『雕塑头条』乔治 Djordje Cpalak丨2018中国·铜川“玄奘之路”国际雕塑创作营入选艺术家

高蒙(特邀,中国)、坦尼亚Tanya Preminger(特邀,以色列)、林胜煌Lin Shenghuang(特邀,旅居日本的华人雕塑家)、田中Hitoshi Tanaka(日本)、皮特Petre Petrov(保加利亚)、卡门Kamen Tanev(保加利亚)、尤里Yury Tkachenko(俄罗斯)、瓦力里Valerian Jikia(格鲁吉亚)、崔绍东SoDong Choe(韩国)、金元根Kim Wongeun(韩国)、尤金Eugen Petri(罗马尼亚)、乔治Djordje Cpalak(塞尔维亚)、乃丁Nedim Hadziahmetovic(塞尔维亚)、阿依汗Ayhan Kayapinr(土耳其)、迦南Canan Zöngür(土耳其)、米格尔Miguel Isla(西班牙)、艾斯马勒Esmaeil Sahandiyan(伊朗)、蓝之峰(中国)、邓善琪(中国台湾)、蒋楚(中国)


This sculpture explores my fascination with the metamorphosis of materials from one form to another. The geometrical purity of the sphere above pillar is seen as overwhelmed by internal forces that transform it into a chaotic ensemble of solid and gaseous shapes. Hence, what is a representation of a transformation from order to chaos, and from single object in many diverse entities, is, in material reality, a very uniform and solid singular mass.
The shape, movement, mass disposition in the open -air space, volume are the main composing parts of this my sculptures. Like in music the play is strong, deep and light tones is making harmony and attractiveness, the perfect harmony reign in the nature interweaved with vision, sound and light: transition of day and night, seasons, goodness and evilness, just as in the nature itself.
My work is inspired by my spirituality. The emotional connection with life and the collective issues we all experience on our life path becomes the intersection of all paths as a shared life. My view that my work with stone is a collaboration with Mother Earth is essential to how I interact with my art. The inspiration of my work is also heavily rooted in the stone itself, its flow, shape, energy, and spirit.

其 他 作 品

2003 作品入选Lodovico Geirut著作的《Versilia and art》一书
2005 雕塑作品出版在英国作家John Plowman著作的《雕塑家圣经》一书
贝尔格莱德美术大学教授、国际雕塑创作营联盟(ISSA)核心成员、塞尔维亚艺术家协会会员、阿兰德赫罗瓦克"Beli vencac"雕塑创作营艺术总监
Born 1961. in ex-Yugoslavia ( now Republic of Serbia)
1989. Masters degree in Fine Arts, University of Belgrade
From 1990. -1994. Works as a part time lecturer at Academy of fine Arts, Stockholm (Sweden) “Working modern sculpture in stone”
From 1989. - 2004. Lived and worked in Pietrasanta, Italy (Predominantlyworks monumental and small sculptures in stone, wood and metal ). His works are part of numerous private collections and museums world wide (Italy, France, China, Korea, Japan...)
From 1990. till now he teach studentsfrom different countries to carving marble sculpture in his studio inPietrasanta , Italy ( hold courses for make sculpture in marble)
2003. His work entered in book“Versilia and art” by Lodovico Geirut
2005. His sculptures published in“THE SCULPTOR'S BIBLE” by John Plowman, UK
2007. “THE SCULPRURING TECHNIQUES BIBLE” by Clare Waite Brown (Chartwell Books Inc.) UK
2008. and “ Public Art : a World’s Eye View” by ICO, 2008. ( nomination among of 40 most famous living sculptors), USA
2013. – withmonumental sculpture “Touch”, Beijing Olympic Park, entered in book : ’’TheWorlds best signboard design’”
Core - member of ISSA (International Sculpture Symposium Association ) , China
Member of ULUS ( Udruzenje Likovnih Umetnika Srbije) , Republic ofSerbia
Art director ofSymposium of sculpture "Beli vencac", Arandjelovac ,SERBIAhttp://www.mermerizvuci.rs/
Actually : Professorat Fine Art University in Belgrade ( Serbia)
2015 Nomination Award - FuzhouInternational Sculpture Symposium , China
2014 Award at PadideInternational sculpture Symposium , Mashhad, Iran
2013 Candidate Award., NanjingSculpture Sport Contest, Nanjing, China
2012 International SculptureCopper Exhibition, Tongling, China
2011 Excellent Prize , 1st“Liu Kaiqu award” International sculpture exhibition, Wuhu, China
2011 Honourable mention , Sculpture and Design Competition of Hangzhou Low Carbon Science and Technology Museum
2011 Artist in residency ( Shanghai Museum of Contemporary art)-China, Outdoorand indoor sculptures for Museum
2006 Outstanding award, Beijing Olympic DesignProject, China
2002 Made a marble relief 10x15m (BMW, Munich) for Pinoteka Museum in Munich.
2002 First prize of International Symposium ofSculpture, Icheon, South Korea
2001 Acquisition of Toyamura Museum, Japan
2000 First prize of International Symposium ofSculpture, Verona, Italy
2000 Won Concouse for celebrating od 3 rdMilleniun, Allauch, France
1999 Acquisition by Hualien County Cultural Center, Taiwan
1998 Special award by “Asago 2001 Festival”, Tataragi, Japan
1997 Semi-Grand Prize of International Biennaleof Sculpture, Toyamura, Japan
1997 Acquisition by Hualien County CulturalCenter, Taiwan
1995 Acquisition Prize, InternationalTriennial of Sculpture, Osaka, Japan
1995 Acquisition Prize, International Biennaleof Sculpture, Toyamura, Japan
1994 First prize for sculpture, InternationalBiennale of Modern Art, G.Milanovac,Yugoslavia
1993 Prize of competition "Giacommo Puccinitoday", by "La Nazione” Daily newspaper, Italy
1993 Acquisition by “Chung Kiu ChineseProducts, Ltd.”, Hong Kong
1988 Prize acquisition for New Members ofU.L.U.S.- union of Fine Artists, Belgrade
1987 Prize for sculpture instone, University of Fine Arts, Belgrade,Yugoslavia
1987 White Angel Collection,Milesevo, Yugoslavia